How Much Information Does the Human Brain Learn Every Day?

<p><strong>Information: It&rsquo;s what for dinner.</strong>&nbsp;Between tablets, smartphones, and other digital screens serving up an endless buffet of news, knowledge, and memes directly into our retinas, for better or worse, the future we live in now is but a feast for our eyes&ndash;&nbsp;<em>literally.</em></p> <p><strong>The average American today&nbsp;</strong><a href=";id=bef46666a6&amp;e=2a38d0dc1c" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">spends</a><strong>&nbsp;7 hours and 11 minutes looking at a screen every day</strong>, amounting to&nbsp;<em>nearly one-third</em>&nbsp;of our lives feeding off that little dinner plate in our pocket&ndash; or&nbsp;<strong>about 109 days a year</strong>&nbsp;(we&rsquo;re not optometrists&hellip; but,<em>&nbsp;yikes</em>).</p> <p>Even as far back as 2011 A.D.,&nbsp;<strong>Americans were taking in&nbsp;<em>five times</em>&nbsp;as much information every day as they did in 1986.&nbsp;</strong>However, analog sources of information-gathering&nbsp;<em>do</em>&nbsp;still exist today&hellip; books, newspapers,&nbsp;<em>Spotify,</em>&nbsp;the back of your&nbsp;<em>Wheaties</em>&nbsp;box, and of course, the other human beings in our lives. Across all channels, it is estimated that&nbsp;<strong>Americans&nbsp;</strong><a href=";id=05a2297d09&amp;e=2a38d0dc1c" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">consume</a><strong>&nbsp;11.8 hours of information each day</strong>.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Human Brain