Your brain on music.

<p><em>Neuroscience shows that listening to music is a&nbsp;</em><strong><em>&ldquo;whole brain experience&rdquo;</em></strong><em>: it activates the left, the right, the front, the back, the inside and outside of your brain. Your favourite song triggers brain regions relating to your identity, your feelings and those of others: this is why it is so emotional! Paying attention to key parts of a song can rewire brain regions crucial in our decision-making. Learn an instrument and key parts of your brain rapidly thicken to help you become a better musician &mdash; but also expect some improvements in your thinking skills.</em></p> <p>Okay, folks, gather &lsquo;round. Let&rsquo;s talk about your brain on music. Not your average, run-of-the-mill brain activity, oh no. We&rsquo;re talking a full-blown, all-hands-on-deck, brain fiesta! Left side, right side, up, down, inside out &mdash; heck, even parts of your brain you didn&rsquo;t know existed are getting in on the action. It&rsquo;s like your gray matter&rsquo;s throwing a rave, and every neuron&rsquo;s invited.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Brain Music