Tag: JavaScript

17 Pro JavaScript tricks you didn’t know

JavaScript : Tricks You Should Know The ternary operator Noobs: let hungry = true; let eat; if (hungry === true) { eat = 'yes'; } else { eat = 'no'; } Pro: let hungry = true; let eat = hungry === true ? 'yes' : 'no'; Read M...

Mastering Objects in JavaScript

Object Syntax: In JavaScript, objects are defined using curly braces {}. Each key-value pair is separated by a colon: and multiple pairs are separated by commas , The key is always a string (or a symbol), and the value can be of any data type, including numbers, strings, other obje...

Prototype and Object Chains with Essential Object Methods in JavaScript

JavaScript is a powerful programming language that is constructed around objects, which act as the foundation of its architecture. In JavaScript, objects are connected by a unique chain called the prototype chain. This chain enables inheritance and the sharing of properties and methods among objects...

Typescript — your Javascript bouncer

I didn’t add Typescript to my code when I first built my capstone because I didn’t really understand its value. However, during my internship, I’ve come to realize that Typescript is your friend and could have saved me some headaches. What is Typescript? Typescript is essenti...

The most failed JavaScript interview questions

If you do interviews as a JavaScript developer from time to time, then you know that the questions in such interviews are always similar (more or less, okay!). Under different phrases, interviewers test you for knowledge of the same topics. And despite this, as you will see, the statistics of correc...

Prototype and Object Chains with Essential Object Methods in JavaScript

JavaScript is a powerful programming language that is constructed around objects, which act as the foundation of its architecture. In JavaScript, objects are connected by a unique chain called the prototype chain. This chain enables inheritance and the sharing of properties and methods among objects...

Advanced JavaScript code search with Orama

Searching for specific pieces of code in large JavaScript files can be a daunting task, especially when dealing with complex projects, as developers, we’ve all experienced the frustration of sifting through hundreds or even thousands of lines of code, trying to locate that elusive function or ...

Stop using simple console.log in JavaScript

Debugging. Something that programmers try hard to avoid, only to make more bugs in code. Coding without bugs is something even the best programmers would find hard. Which is why, you should always debug code. And one of the best ways to debug JavaScript code is the amazing console.log(). ...

Can You Stop for Each in JavaScript?

Can you stop a forEach loop in JavaScript? This is a question I was once asked during an interview, and my initial response was, “No, I can’t do that.” Unfortunately, my response led the interviewer to end the interview abruptly. Frustrated with the outcome, I asked...

Exploring ES6 Concepts in JavaScript

JavaScript ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) introduced a plethora of new features and enhancements that have revolutionized the way developers write modern JavaScript code. From enhanced syntax to powerful functionalities, ES6 has made JavaScript more readable, maintainable, and efficient. In this article, we ...

Asynchronous for faster code processing (Javascript)

Usually when you write a program, each line of code will be executed after one another. The speed and time to execute is depend on how complex the code. This method is called Synchronous where a line of code will be run until its finish. Once It finished, It will execute the next line of code. There...

Programming Concepts That Every JavaScript Developer Should Know

JavaScript is the only native programming language to build web application frontends that work on standard web browsers. Every popular web browser adheres to the well-known ECMAScript standard and lets web developers run portable, compatible JavaScript code. As another popular programming language,...

Getting started with Node.js: A beginners guide

JavaScript is a programming language used primarily by Web browsers to create a dynamic and interactive experience for the user. Most of the functions and applications that make the Internet indispensable to modern life are coded in some form of JavaScript. Although, JavaScript is interprete...

Building a Text-To-Speech Application with JavaScript in 3 Easy Steps

A Simple Guide to Building a Text-to-Speech App with JavaScript Hello Medium friends coding and technology lovers! Have you ever tried the text-to-speech feature on Medium? It’s pretty cool, isn’t it? You just press a button and you can hear the article instead of reading it granti...

File Upload in WebView | Android

Sometimes we want to show some web views in our app and handle them using a javascript bridge. Instead of doing everything natively. To understand more about webView please visit the below link. Build web apps in WebView | Android Developers Edit description developer.android.com This...

Coroutines on Android (part I): Getting the background

Fetching a webpage or interacting with an API both involve making a network request. Similarly, reading from a database or loading an image from disk involve reading a file. These sorts of things are what I call long running tasks — tasks that take far too long for your app to stop and wait fo...

STOP using just console.log in JavaScript. Try this instead

Debugging. Something that programmers try hard to avoid, only to make more bugs in code. Coding without bugs is something even the best programmers would find hard. Which is why, you should always debug code. And one of the best ways to debug JavaScript code is the amazing console.log(). ...

How I learned to Code in 6 Months & Got a Job Offer (self-taught)

I quit my job in April 2021, self-taught programming/web development & landed a Remote Full Stack job in November 2021 (based in Vancouver, Canada); all without spending a dime. Figured someone might find a factual time-history of my experience useful -_- Net amount of LeetCode time wa...

Exploring Symbols in JavaScript

JavaScript keeps changing and adding new features. One cool update in ECMAScript 6, or ES6, is Symbols. Unlike other basic data types, you can’t change Symbols, and each one is unique. Let’s dive in and learn why Symbols are useful in JavaScript. 1. What is a Symbol? In JavaScript,...

Mastering JavaScript Special Operators: A Guide

Unveiling the Power of Special Operators for Efficient Code JavaScript, renowned for its versatility, offers a treasure trove of special operators that empower developers to craft concise, effective code. These operators, spanning from logical evaluations to object handling, enhance code readabil...

MEV templates written in Python, Javascript, and Rust

Today, I’m going to get you all set up for the MEV journey ahead. It’s going to be a long and a bumpy ride — one that requires a full dive at times, and one that may not be as fruitful for everyone. But, it’s also: one that will inspire you to...

React Native vs. Flutter: 2023

Almost two years ago, I wrote a blog post comparing React Native and Flutter at a time when I was still somewhat new to Flutter. I had spoken very highly of it, but also paid some respect to React Native. I had more experience with React Native and loved (and still do) its web OG, React...

Design Patterns: A Guide to JavaScript Development Principles for Clean and Scalable Code

The Essence of Design Patterns Hello folks! Over my years as a senior software engineer, I’ve realized that crafting clean and scalable code doesn’t solely depend on what we’re crafting, but the structure of our code also plays an important role, and that’s precisely what ...

Why most password requirements are silly. Also, here’s our flavor

If you intend on building a secure application, you should enforce strong password requirements to prevent bad actors from easily breaching your users’ accounts. Having revamped our password requirements twice as part of our work at Infisical, I discuss everything about password requir...

Using UseContext in React to Pass Information

During my software engineering program at Flatiron School, I have built apps using Python/Flask and JavaScript/React. On the frontend(React), information is passed from a parent component to it’s children through something called props. In the example above, Edit is the parent compo...

Top 10 tricky JavaScript questions that I used to ask in interviews

Some tricky interview scheduling questions you will face. These questions seem easy, but there is something fishy about them. So today I’m going to show you 10 tricky questions to ask yourself before a programmer interview. 1. Given a string, reverse each word in the sentence var strin...

15 JavaScript Techniques to Enhance Your Code

As a popular programming language for web development, JavaScript offers a lot of features and functionalities. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just getting started, there are always new tips and tricks to learn that can help you write more efficient and effective code. In this blog pos...

Angular’s Signal Revolution: Effortless Change Detection Explained — Unveiling the Inner Workings

Angular’s signals bring a host of benefits to the table, one of which is their ability to seamlessly integrate with templates and “automate” change detection. This automation means that a component configured with the OnPush change detection strategy will be rechecked dur...

Interview: Can You Stop forEach in JavaScript?

Can you stop a forEach loop in JavaScript? This is a question I was once asked during an interview, and my initial response was, “No, I can’t do that.” Unfortunately, my response led the interviewer to end the interview abruptly. Frustrated with the outcome, I asked...

Why HTMX Won’t Replace JavaScript Anytime Soon

Ah, JavaScript, the language that backend developers love to hate. While many have tried to eliminate it from the development equation, it keeps coming back — like a boomerang or a catchy song. Enter HTMX, the new star of the “Can we please get rid of JavaScript?” club. Before y...

8 Advanced JavaScript Interview Questions for Senior Roles

JavaScript is a powerful language that is one of the primary building blocks of the web. This powerful language also has some of its quirks. For instance, did you know that 0 === -0 evaluates to true, or that Number("") yields 0? The thing is sometimes these quirks c...

Catch all Exceptions in JavaScript

JavaScript, you can catch all exceptions, including both built-in errors and custom errors, by using a try-catch block with a catch clause that acts as a catch-all for any type of exception. This approach allows you to handle unexpected errors and prevent them from causing your p...

404 Pages: Not an Error, but a Navigation Solution

Navigation has always been a fundamental aspect of web development. The traditional approach hinges on routing libraries or utilizing server-side routes. However, this story focuses on an innovative and non-conventional approach to page navigation — leveraging session storage and good old 404 ...

Progressive enhancement and JavaScript frameworks — a complicated relationship

There’s long been an incompatibility between progressive enhancement (PE) and front-end JavaScript frameworks, making it a real challenge to build modern web applications that satisfy all use cases. However, a step change in front-end technologies means we have more options available. In this ...

Journey Through JavaScript Fundamentals

As I embarked on my journey to learn JavaScript, I ventured into the exciting world of programming. JavaScript, a versatile and dynamic language, exposed me to a range of modules, each contributing to my expanding skill set. From mastering the foundations of grammar and types to diving into advanced...

Vue.js: Discovering Simplicity in Frontend Development

In the realm of frontend development frameworks, names like React and Angular resonate strongly due to their backing from Facebook and Google, respectively. However, there’s an undiscovered gem that deserves closer attention: Vue.js. Despite lacking the recognizable names of other frameworks, ...

The Ugly Truth About Messy Code: Why Writing Clean Code is Not Optional

Hey there, code warriors! Are you tired of wading through a sea of spaghetti code? Do you long for the sweet, sweet embrace of clean code (whatever that means)? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Because today, I’m going to show you the one thing that separates the pros from ...

Understanding TypeScript and Its Significance

TypeScript is an open-source programming language developed by Microsoft. It's essentially JavaScript with static type definitions. TypeScript is a “superset” of JavaScript, meaning it incorporates all features of JavaScript and adds new capabilities on top of them. Any valid Java...

Class-Based Inheritance in TypeScript and the Society

In Object Oriented Programming, class-based inheritance is a fundamental concept. It’s one of the first things you learn in any programming course. It’s also a common topic for a programming job interview questions or exercises. Inheritance is the mechanism of extending functionality ...

Pillars of JavaScript 1. Closure

Read the blog, grasp closure’s concept, code in the playground for 10 mins, learn and improve.Ask yourself questions and try to answer on your own and seek help.Happy coding! Pillars of JavaScript: Closure Prototypal inheritance Techie: Oh, interesting! What is Closure?&n...

Optional DI in JavaScript

This was something that eluded me for a while since I went back to using global variables, and I kept thinking it was an either-or thing. Do I continue to use global variables, or write testable code. While attempting to solve some other issue, I accidentally discovered a technique that appears to b...

My Top 10 Favorite JavaScript Tips and Tricks

JavaScript is a web programming language developed and used for creating interactive web pages. Interactive is a fancy word that can be reduced to the interaction between the user and the webpage.This interaction is based on the functionality of web pages and not manual intervention. Thanks ...

The A-Z Guide to Mastering React Redux: Unlock the Power of State Management

. Introduction to React Redux state management React Redux is a powerful state management library that allows developers to efficiently manage state in their React applications. With its robust features and intuitive design, React Redux has become a popular choice for managing state in comple...

How Has JavaScript Changed in the Last Few years?

In the past three years, JavaScriptthe syntax has been kept updated,EcmaScript and has gone through 2022、2021、2020three major versions, today I will sort out with you what are the three major versions that we should pay attention to, and you can also see which of these features ar...

Get Started With JavaScript

If you are in the IT field, then you must hear about the programming language JavaScript. There is also a myth that Java and JavaScript are the same, the fact is no, when javascript was made Java was a popular language, so its name was decided as javascript. According to a survey in 202...

What Is the … Rest Parameter in JavaScript?

The JavaScript world is an ever-evolving landscape, full of fantastic features that make our coding lives more efficient, flexible, and fun. One such feature, introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6), is the ... rest parameter, also written as the ...rest parameter. This magical syntax allow...

4 React Tips to Instantly Improve Your Code

Solid knowledge of React is one of the most valuable skills for a frontend developer. Many companies are constantly searching for React developers and want to pay them more and more. That’s why it’s important to constantly improve as a developer, as it’s a highly rewarding endeavor...

7 Cool Useful JavaScript Coding Techniques That You Should Use

1. Initialize the array with “fill” Initialize an array of a fixed length and each item is “fatfish”. Actually, using fill, it will be very easy. 2. Use object instead of “switch” We often use switch to handle different things, b...

Code Like A JavaScript Pro With These Useful Js Snippets

In this article I'm going to be sharing with you some useful JavaScript codes/snippets to help you code faster and not be brainstorming different ways to perform simple tasks with JavaScript. Photo by Safar Safarov on Unsplash The first one is converting objects into an array of key va...

Unleashing the Magic of Async/Await: Mastering Asynchronous JavaScript for Seamless Development

Greetings, fellow developers and code enthusiasts! Are you ready to embark on a journey that will empower your JavaScript skills to reach new heights? Today, we’re delving deep into the heart of asynchronous programming, unveiling the secrets of Async/Await that can elevate your web ...

25 Killer JavaScript One-Liners That’ll Make You Look Like a Pro

A list of one-liners you should know to up your knowledge of JavaScript. Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash 1.# Copy content to the clipboard In order to improve the user experience of the website, we often need to copy the content to the clipboard, so that users can paste ...

How JavaScript Went from a Two-Week Hack to a World-Dominating Language

Can you believe that there was a time when websites were mostly static HTML pages with some clunky CGI scripts sprinkled in? Everything changed in the mid-90s when a plucky engineer named Brendan Eich whipped up a little scripting language called JavaScript to add some spice to the newly released...

JavaScript Best Practices Every Developer Should Know

JavaScript is a cornerstone of modern web development, empowering developers to craft dynamic and interactive experiences for users. However, writing functional code is just the beginning; ensuring code maintainability, scalability, and readability is equally essential, especially for beginner devel...

Sorting 400+ Tabs in 60 Seconds With JavaScript, Rust, and GPT-3

I’m a serial tabbist. I admit it. Currently, I have about 460 tabs open across 5 brave windows. Let’s not even get started on the bookmarks. “B-b-but, they’re all necessary! So much knowledge! So many good links!” - My inner hoarder Yeah, I’m like an...

All JavaScript and TypeScript Features of the last 3 years

This article goes through almost all of the changes of the last 3 years (and some from earlier) in JavaScript / ECMAScript and TypeScript . Not all of the following features will be relevant to you or even practical, but they should instead serve to show what’s possible ...

Blog 1: JavaScript Essentials for Beginners

This side Priyanshu Mishra! How are you all doing! Hope you all are doing good!! and today this blog is for the totally beginners in Javascript.I will try to make programming language easy for you So, Today I am gonna write the basic syntax of Javascript for you guys because genuinely I love...

Can You Get the Information on the QR Code Image Just by Using Javascript?

Recently, I found something very interesting and it is about QR codes. It is really amazing that you can use pure JavaScript to parse the QR code image and get the content it represents. 1.# Friends, try it, please! My friends, I have prepared an online example for you, you just need to cop...

Visualizing Street Tree Population Variance in NYC Using GeoPandas, Plotly, and JavaScript

And a comparison of the performance of the server and client-side rendering using Plotly Dash and JavaScript Jerry Clayton · Follow Published in Better Programming · 17 min read · Jan 27   499   7     &n...

The React Pattern You Never Heard of That You Should Be Using

I’m going to show you how to make your React codebase more flexible and less complex by leveraging a little known pattern for React components: The Compound Components pattern. Implementing the Compound Components pattern gives you the ability to create components that can be reused in...

How to handle errors in React: full guide

We all want our apps to be stable, to work perfectly, and cater to every edge case imaginable, isn’t it? But the sad reality is we are all humans (at least that is my assumption), we all make mistakes, and there is no such thing as a bug-free code. No matter how careful we are or how many auto...

Top JavaScript Frameworks and Technology 2023

So much has changed in the past year, it can feel like everything is ripe for disruption, but in spite of the most disruptive year in tech I have ever seen, the biggest surprise for me on this year’s list is how little the framework ecosystem has changed. There are lots of new players on th...

11 Bad Ways to Write JavaScript

JavaScript is an integral part of modern web development, but it has some pitfalls to be aware of. In this article, we’ll introduce ten common ways to write JavaScript to help you avoid some common mistakes and pitfalls. 1. Implicit type conversion Implicit type conversion refers to Java...

IT Beginner Series: Javascript Introduction (1)

More in the IT Beginner Series JavaScript IF/ELSE Exercises JavaScript FOR loop exercises SQL Exercises Welcome to the “IT Beginner Series,” your gateway to the captivating realm of JavaScript. Whether you’re taking your first steps in the world of coding or just bru...

The Comprehensive Guide to JavaScript Arrays

JavaScript arrays are fundamental data structures that play a pivotal role in web development. They allow developers to organize, manipulate, and store data efficiently. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore JavaScript arrays in depth, from their basic concepts to advanced techniques. Whe...

JavaScript 101: All About Timers

JavaScript timers are great tools for achieving recurrent behavior or even triggering delayed actions. Whatever time-based logic you have, timers are the answer to your questions. But if you don’t fully understand how they work, then you’ll be hitting your head against a JavaScript...

Stop using return null in React

When working with React, it’s important to understand the implications of the values returned from components. While it may be tempting to use return null to indicate that a component should not render anything, this can actually have unintended consequences. In this post, we&#3...

How use strict makes your JavaScript code unbreakable

An introduction to ‘use strict’ JavaScript feature with real-world examples JavaScript ‘use strict’ Introduction The strict mode of JavaScript prevents accidental global variable declarations and improves code quality by catching errors earlier in the development...

How to Natively Implement instanceOf in JavaScript

The instanceof operator tests to see if the prototype property of a constructor appears anywhere in the prototype chain of an object. The return value is a boolean value. Interviewer: to write a fakeInstanceOf, you must meet the following test cases: function fakeInstance...

JavaScript Operator Precedence — Simplifying Expression Evaluation

Operator precedence in JavaScript determines the order in which operators are evaluated in an expression. Understanding operator precedence is crucial for writing correct and predictable code. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to operator precedence in JavaScript, explaining how it ...

Test your React Components with Nightwatch and Testing Library

We will build a detailed example of a React project with Vite and then use Nightwatch and Testing Library to test the components. We’ll use the Complex example available on the React Testing Library docs, written with Jest. In this tutorial, we’ll cover t...

Angular Template-Driven Forms: Simplifying User Input Handling

Building a Modern Angular Template-Driven Form Introduction Angular continues to evolve, and so do its features and capabilities. In this article, we will explore how to create a template-driven form using the latest version of Angular. Template-driven forms remain a valuable tool for handling...

React Native Generate APK — Debug and Release APK

An Android Package Kit (APK) is the package file format used by the Android OS for distribution and installation of mobile apps. It is similar to the .exe file you have on Windows OS, a .apk file is for android. Debug APK What can I use it for? A debug .apk file will allow you to install an...

[Leetcode 438] Find All Anagrams in a String — step by step approach in Javascript

Problem 438, “Find All Anagrams in a String,” is a common coding problem that can be solved using the sliding window technique and frequency counting. The goal is to find all the starting indices of anagrams of a shorter string (pattern) within a longer string. Here’s a step-by-...

Boolean Operators in Python Aren’t What You Think

I consider myself a decent Python programmer. I’ve worked with the language extensively in the past and it’s the one I generally feel most comfortable using. But even well within the cozy confines of our comfort zones, every now and then, we all come across energizingly unfamiliar &ld...

Next.js’s New App Vs. Pages Router: A Detailed Comparison

We placed our pages in Next's "pages" directory for years. This is about to change now. A while ago, Next.js introduced the new App Router, significantly changing how we create pages. But not only the directory in which we store our app's pages changes — but also the avai...

Unlocking the Power of JavaScript Array Methods: Some, Includes, Any, and Always

JavaScript offers various array methods that empower developers to manipulate and work with arrays efficiently. In this article, we’ll delve into four incredibly useful array methods: some(), includes(), any(), and always(). While some of these are more commonly used than o...

7 JavaScript Powerful Optimization Tricks You Need To Know

Every language has uniqueness, and JavaScript, the most widely used programming language, is no different. This blog post will discuss some JavaScript Generic Optimization tricks that will help you write better code and make sure that the following is just not your response when you come all over...

Tutorial: Simple Search Filter with Vanilla JavaScript

Allowing users to filter a large list of items on a website in realtime without reloading the page is one of those things that seems harder than it is, but once you know how it works, it’s actually quite simple, and it’s an excellent feature to have in your front-end developer tool belt ...

Stunning Dot Spheres with WebGL

Beautiful, interactive WebGL globes have had something of a moment in the spotlight lately with both Stripe and GitHub featuring them prominently on their homepages. Each later went on to write a blog post about how they did so (Stripe’s is here and GitHub’s...

11 Amazing New JavaScript Features in ES13

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable e-book that you can take with you anywhere. Click here to get a copy. Like a lot of other programming languages, JavaScript is constantly evolving. Every year, the language is made more powerful with new capabilities that let developer...

Stop Using any Type in TypeScript

TypeScript is one of the most used programming languages among web developers. It has fantastic language features and allows you to design scalable applications easily. Hence, developers tend to choose TypeScript over JavaScript for their projects. However, there are some common mistakes we need ...

Interviewer: Can “x !== x” Return True in JavaScript?

Recently I was asked a few strange interview questions. They are different from the regular questions: these interview questions seem very easy, but they test your thorough understanding of JavaScript. How many can you answer correctly? 1. Can “x !== x” return true? What should b...

Advanced Next.js Concepts

As a developer, you may have built a Next.js application using the basic concepts such as creating and navigating pages, handling data with getStaticProps and getServerSideProps, and styling with CSS modules and styled components. However, there are many advanced N...

Best practices for securing your Node.js apps

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment, meaning it has everything you need to execute a program written in JavaScript. Though quite secure by itself, you should still think of additional ways to secure your Node.js apps. Vulnerabilities are increasing as attackers find new, clever ways ...

How to convert a list of object to an object in Javascript

When we use JS to request data from a (relational) database, the most common way we receive the data, is as a list of objects. Often these data has the first values repeated because for example, are the days worked by a person or the purchases made by a customer. In my work ofte...

4 Different Examples of the useState Hook in React

useState is a widely used hook in React. Almost every component you develop in React involves state. In this post, I am going to show you four different use cases of the useState hook. I am assuming you have a basic knowledge of React and state. If not, visit the docs to ...

How to Create Your Own ChatGPT in HTML CSS and JavaScript

ChatGPT has grown significantly in popularity over the past few months or years, completely changing the way we interact with automated chatbots. As a beginner web developer, you might be curious to create your own ChatGPT. The good news is that it is possible to create a ChatGPT clone using standar...

Turn to Stone —  Become a pro by getting jaded by new tech

Harnessing your debate skills makes you change how you experience new products or tools. The “amazing” things they promote, can turn to dust in just a few seconds when you break down their argument. Marketing material is emotional. That’s what makes people consume it. If you wer...

Open–closed principle in Javascript.

Creating a large, scalable software project for an enterprise can be a complex endeavor, especially when you’re working with multiple teams. To ensure success, you need a well-thought-out plan and a set of best practices to guide your development process. The Open-Closed Principle (OCP) is ...

Learn this before React

In this tutorial we will explore top fundamental JavaScript concepts necessary to know in order to have an effective React Js/React Native learning. Table of contents 1.maps() and filters() 2.slice() and splice() 3.find() and findIndex() 4.destructuring() 5.rest and spread operator...

Essential JavaScript Interview Questions for 2023: Intermediate Level

You’re in the right place if you want to push your skills to the next level after mastering the basics of JavaScript interview questions. This article dives deep into the questions you can expect in intermediate-level JavaScript interviews. However, excelling in interviews is not the o...

Objects in JavaScript

An Object in JavaScript is a data type that stores a collection of properties in key-value pairs. Each key-value pair is used to define characteristics of any arbitrary item. The key of an Object must be a string, whereas the value can be of any data type (including another ob...

Circuit Breaker Pattern in Microservices

Microservices architecture has become the new norm for large-scale applications. Because it has more advantages compared to traditional monolithic architecture. However, microservices also come with several challenges. One such challenge is preventing cascading failures. For example, network or serv...

Spring Boot REST API Full Tutorial

This is a complete tutorial of building a REST api with Spring Boot with. You will learn how to : Create REST APIs Add spring security with jwt authentication & authorization Work with database Add database migration with flyway The source code of this tutorial is published in g...

It’s 2023. Start using JavaScript Maps and Sets

As a JavaScript developer, you are probably familiar with the two most commonly used data structures, Arrays and Objects. They are both extremely versatile and powerful however, two more options are often overlooked: Maps and Sets. Let’s explore how they can make your code more efficient and e...

3 steps to deliver a web/mobile project that meets all clients’ needs without pain!

Delivering an app that fits the client’s idea and covers all the client’s expectations could be challenging. Moreover, understanding and estimating the project’s scope, the level of technology we should use, the complexity of features, the count of features and components we should...

I asked Chat GPT to build a To-Do app — Have we finally met our replacement?

We saw the release of GitHub Copilot in October of 2021 and the whole dev community went crazy. Some were claiming that we would soon be left out of a job, and others, like me, thought that while the tool was interesting, it was really far from a replacement. It could provide better autocomplete,...

The Ultimate Guide to Starting Frontend Development in 2023

Welcome to the ever-evolving world of frontend development! As we step into 2023, the demand for skilled frontend developers continues to soar. Whether you’re a newbie with a passion for web design or a seasoned developer looking to stay current, this guide will help you embark on your fronten...

Mastering TypeScript: Empowering Your JavaScript

TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, is rapidly gaining popularity in the world of web development. With its robust static typing, enhanced tooling, and improved developer experience, TypeScript is becoming an essential skill for modern front-end and back-end developers. In today’s blog, we&r...

How to get user location in the browser using JavaScript?

You can use the Geolocation API in JavaScript to retrieve the user’s location in a web browser. Here’s a basic example of how to do it: // Check if geolocation is available in the browser if ("geolocation" in navigator) { // Get the user's current location n...

TypeScript: Adding Type Safety to JavaScript

JavaScript is one of the most widely used programming languages for web development, known for its flexibility and versatility. However, it has a notable downside: the lack of static typing, which can lead to runtime errors and make large codebases hard to maintain. TypeScript, a superset of JavaScr...

Top 5 one liners in JavaScript

In the world of JavaScript, I’m the magician of one-liners, simplifying the complex with elegance. 1.Copy to Clipboard In web apps, copy to clipboard is rapidly rising in popularity due to its convenience for the user. const copyToClipboard = (text) => navigator.clipboard?.wri...

What Is the Difference Between Call, Apply, and Bind in JavaScript?

JavaScript is a wonderful and wild language, full of hidden gems  and quirky features that can make even seasoned developers raise an eyebrow. Today, we’re going to examine some built-in functions of JavaScript’s Function prototype with three essential methods: call,&nb...

3 Powerful JavaScript Methods You Probably Didn’t Know About

Traditionally in JavaScript, an object has it's own properties and methods/functions limited to it, ie an object cannot access another object's methods and vice versa. But with the use of the three functions I'll be sharing today, we can bypass this restrictions. These functions allows u...

Mastering JavaScript Scopes: Unveiling the Magic Behind Variables

Greetings, aspiring developers and JavaScript enthusiasts! Are you ready to delve deep into the intricate world of JavaScript scopes? Join me on this illuminating journey as we unravel the mysteries of variable contexts, closures, and the temporal dead zone. By the end of this article, you’ll ...

30 Best Practices for Clean JavaScript Code [Bonus tips at the end

No waste of time. Let's go directly into it. 1. Avoid Global Variables Bad Example: var x = 10; function calculate() { // Using the global variable x return x * 2; }j Good Example: function calculate(x) { // Pass x as a parameter return x * 2; } const x...

How fast is your MEV bot? Comparing Javascript/Python/Rust

Choosing a programming language for your projects can be a challenging task. In fact, individuals often have varying preferences when asked, citing reasons such as speed, readability, or simply familiarity with a particular language. This diversity in opinions is quite common. I’ve enc...

Why Choose DHTMLX Diagram for Building JavaScript Org Charts

An organizational chart (or simply org chart) is one of the most widely used diagram types provided in our JavaScript diagramming component. Web developers integrate JavaScript org charts into business apps for graphically presenting a company’s corporate organization and its internal rep...

A Real time Example of JavaScript closure

Hey ! how are you doing? Today I am going to tell you a closure story. It’s pretty interesting and easy to remember. We all know in JavaScript it’s a very common question asked several times , what is closure? can you give a real time example of that? In the top picture you can see on...

Understanding JavaScript Code Coverage

This is the second of a two-post series in which we try to understand how code coverage is measured and reported in JavaScript by building a simple code coverage tool ourselves. You can find the first post here and the reference code for this exercise here. By the end of the l...

Importance of JavaScript Test Coverage using Istanbul

Imagine you started working in a massive codebase. How confident would you be about changing a single line of code without it breaking any other lines? Probably not confident at all. Now, if this codebase has tests that all pass with your code change you would probably feel a little better. However,...

Istanbul — JavaScript Code Coverage

Code Coverage is really important to tell how well you code is been testing and really gives you the confident that your recent changes do not break any existing functionality. Code Coverage also tells you any unused code present in your repository, So removing that code helps you in avoid any un...

So, you learned JavaScript — now what?

Mastering JavaScript isn’t easy, but getting started is simpler than with other languages. You are not dependent on a certain editor and you don’t need to compile it to create something that can run. Most important of all — you don’t need to spend any money to get started. Br...

Learn Latest JavaScript Features After ES6 and Beyond: Detailed Tutorial Series — In Hindi

We are starting a series of videos in which we will be explaining latest JavaScript features that came with ES6 and after that. With this series we believe we will be able to make you understand new concepts that are introduced in JavaScript recently. All the videos will be in Hindi. This is an intr...