How to handle errors in React: full guide

<p>We all want our apps to be stable, to work perfectly, and cater to every edge case imaginable, isn&rsquo;t it? But the sad reality is we are all humans (at least that is my assumption), we all make mistakes, and there is no such thing as a bug-free code. No matter how careful we are or how many automated tests we write, there always will be a situation when something goes terribly wrong. The important thing, when it comes to user experience, is to predict that terrible thing, localize it as much as possible, and deal with it in a graceful way until it can be actually fixed.</p> <p>So today, let&rsquo;s take a look at error handling in React: what we can do if an error happens, what are the caveats of different approaches to error catching, and how to mitigate them.</p> <h1>Why we should catch errors in React</h1> <p>But first thing first: why it&rsquo;s vitally important to have some error-catching solution in React?</p> <p>The answer is simple: starting from version 16, an error thrown during React lifecycle will cause the entire app to unmount itself if not stopped. Before that, components would be preserved on the screen, even if malformed and misbehaved. Now, an unfortunate uncaught error in some insignificant part of the UI, or even some external library that you have no control over, can destroy the entire page and render an empty screen for everyone.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>