The most failed JavaScript interview questions

<p>If you do interviews as a JavaScript developer from time to time, then you know that the questions in such interviews are always similar (more or less, okay!). Under different phrases, interviewers test you for knowledge of the same topics. And despite this, as you will see, the statistics of correct answers to such questions is quite low.</p> <p>How to change the situation? Piece of cake &mdash; to do as many exercises as possible across these topics &mdash; and most importantly, to understand the result. Start with the ones we have selected for this article.</p> <p>Below we give typical interview questions broken down by topic and the percentage of correct answers from our telegram channel. To give you more insight regarding these numbers, we should note that stats for other quizzes from our channel show a high level of JavaScript proficiency in our audience.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: JavaScript