Get Started With JavaScript

<p>If you are in the IT field, then you must hear about the programming language&nbsp;<strong>JavaScript.&nbsp;</strong>There is also a myth that Java and JavaScript are the same, the fact is no, when javascript was made Java was a popular language, so its name was decided as javascript.</p> <p>According to a survey in 2022, 98% of companies used javascript. So, JavaScript is a scripting language widely used in Website Development, App Development, Flying Robots, Games, etc&hellip; Here we&rsquo;ll discuss how to start with JS.</p> <p>JS is a case-sensitive language used to build logic integrated with web pages that makes web pages interactive and dynamic. It provides functionality to our websites. For example, If I wish to make certain changes to the content whenever the user clicks on a particular button.</p> <h2>Write your first line of code in JavaScript:</h2> <p>As we start every language with its Hello World Code, here we&rsquo;ll also start with Hello World. So, writing Hello World in JS with three methods is quite simple. Let&rsquo;s discuss one by one&hellip;</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>