Stop using simple console.log in JavaScript

<p>Debugging. Something that programmers try hard to avoid, only to make more bugs in code.</p> <p>Coding without bugs is something even the best programmers would find hard. Which is why, you should always debug code.</p> <p>And one of the best ways to debug JavaScript code is the amazing&nbsp;<code>console.log()</code>. Except, there are better ways.</p> <p>And that is the point of this article. To tell about better ways to interact with the console.</p> <p>Typing console in a sophisticated IDE gives a variety of auto completions.</p> <p>Instead of using the normal&nbsp;<code>console.log()</code>, here are some better options.</p> <p>Using these makes the process of debugging a lot easier and faster.</p> <h2><code>console.warn()&nbsp;</code>and console.error()</h2> <p>When there is a bug that can stop the working of your application, using another console.log to debug it wouldn&rsquo;t work.</p> <p>Your console messages would get mixed up. You can&rsquo;t find the message that your looking for.</p> <p>But, using console.warn() and console.error() are good ways to overcome this.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here :-</a></p>