30 Best Practices for Clean JavaScript Code [Bonus tips at the end

<p>No waste of time. Let&#39;s go directly into it.</p> <h1>1. Avoid Global Variables</h1> <p><em>Bad Example</em>:</p> <pre> var x = 10; function calculate() { // Using the global variable x return x * 2; }j</pre> <p><em>Good Example</em>:</p> <pre> function calculate(x) { // Pass x as a parameter return x * 2; } const x = 10; const result = calculate(x);</pre> <p>Avoid polluting the global scope with variables to prevent conflicts and improve code maintainability.</p> <h1>2. Use Arrow Functions for Concise Code</h1> <p><em>Bad Example</em>:</p> <pre> function double(arr) { return arr.map(function (item) { return item * 2; }); }</pre> <p><em>Good Example</em>:</p> <pre> const double = (arr) =&gt; arr.map((item) =&gt; item * 2);</pre> <p>Arrow functions provide a concise and more readable way to define small functions.</p> <h1>3. Error Handling with Try-Catch Blocks</h1> <p><em>Bad Example</em>:</p> <pre> function divide(a, b) { if (b === 0) { return &quot;Division by zero error!&quot;; } return a / b; }</pre> <p><em>Good Example</em>:</p> <pre> function divide(a, b) { try { if (b === 0) { throw new Error(&quot;Division by zero error!&quot;); } return a / b; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); } }</pre> <p>Use try-catch blocks to handle errors gracefully and provide meaningful error messages.</p> <p><a href="https://nikitrauniyar.medium.com/30-best-practices-for-clean-javascript-code-bonus-tips-at-the-end-d83755d7cc4f">Read More</a></p>