Typescript — your Javascript bouncer
<p>I didn’t add Typescript to my code when I first built my capstone because I didn’t really understand its value. However, during my internship, I’ve come to realize that Typescript is your friend and could have saved me some headaches.</p>
<h1>What is Typescript?</h1>
<p>Typescript is essentially Javascript’s bouncer that checks your ID before you get in the bar. The bouncer (Typescript) checks to make sure that you are who you say you are before letting you in.</p>
<p>In code, this means that it checks that the type matches the expected one during the build. If you’re using a great IDE, it can even yell at you while you’re coding.</p>
<p>Typescript is essentially Javascript with extra features. All Javascript code is valid Typescript code, but Typescript just has additional features.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/@gustav11/typescript-your-javascript-bouncer-741e1f56c68b"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>