3 steps to deliver a web/mobile project that meets all clients’ needs without pain!

<p>Delivering an app that fits the client&rsquo;s idea and covers all the client&rsquo;s expectations could be challenging. Moreover, understanding and estimating the project&rsquo;s scope, the level of technology we should use, the complexity of features, the count of features and components we should develop, the level of security, and estimating the project&#39;s costs need much investigation and consideration.</p> <p>On the other hand, in the first meeting with clients, we all face two vital questions that clients expect to be answered immediately:</p> <ol> <li>How long does it take to deliver the app?</li> <li>How much does developing my app cost?</li> </ol> <p>Although answering these questions seems easy on some occasions, to avoid further difficulties at the end of the project, we should get rid of estimating the time and cost at the first meeting before taking the 3 steps I plan to describe in this article.</p> <h2>Underestimating is the Clients&rsquo; nature!</h2> <p>As a freelancer, product owner, or developer, you probably face clients who want to run a startup and have an app in the shortest time. At the first meeting, they would describe their needs without considering details and believe their project is not so complicated and could be developed quickly. Clients believe their desired app doesn&#39;t have many pages and features, and their focus is on style and the app&#39;s main functionality.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@rezarezaeipour1364/3-steps-to-develop-a-web-and-mobile-project-that-meets-all-clients-needs-without-pain-eb343477ff55">Click Here</a></p>