Sorting 400+ Tabs in 60 Seconds With JavaScript, Rust, and GPT-3

<p>I&rsquo;m a serial tabbist. I admit it.</p> <p>Currently, I have about 460 tabs open across 5 brave windows. Let&rsquo;s not even get started on the bookmarks.</p> <blockquote> <p><em>&ldquo;B-b-but, they&rsquo;re all necessary! So much knowledge! So many good links!&rdquo;</em><br /> - My inner hoarder</p> </blockquote> <p>Yeah, I&rsquo;m like an information hamster. I just keep hoarding all the tabs until I can find enough time to read&nbsp;<em>everything &mdash;&nbsp;</em>and open even more of them on the way. And as one can assume, having so many tabs can be quite overwhelming, either when I need to find something and it&rsquo;s lost beyond the borders of the tab bar or when I&rsquo;m just looking at the screen and getting the anxious feeling of &ldquo;having so much to do&rdquo; &mdash; even when there is nothing to be done.</p> <p>So, being the lazy hacker I am, instead of actually sorting them, cleaning them up or *<em>gulp*</em>&nbsp;simply closing them all, I wondered &mdash; why not just let the machine do the job? Can I have a 1-click solution to all my woes?</p> <p>Can I Marie-Kondo my inner hoarder into submission by using code?</p> <p>Luckily for us, there is a giant language model worth billions of dollars just waiting to eagerly do the job.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>