Exploring Symbols in JavaScript

<p>JavaScript keeps changing and adding new features. One cool update in ECMAScript 6, or ES6, is Symbols. Unlike other basic data types, you can&rsquo;t change Symbols, and each one is unique. Let&rsquo;s dive in and learn why Symbols are useful in JavaScript.</p> <h2>1. What is a Symbol?</h2> <p>In JavaScript, a Symbol is a unique and immutable primitive data type. We commonly use them as unique keys to prevent object properties from being clashed with or overwritten. This is super handy in complex projects and third-party libraries.</p> <pre> const specialSymbol = Symbol(&#39;description&#39;); console.log(typeof specialSymbol); // &quot;symbol&quot;</pre> <p>The optional string description is solely for debugging purposes and does not affect the uniqueness of the Symbol.</p> <h2>2. Creating Symbols</h2> <p>You can create symbols by calling the&nbsp;<code>Symbol()</code>&nbsp;function. Every time you use this function, it generates a unique symbol.</p> <pre> const symbolA = Symbol(&#39;mySymbol&#39;); const symbolB = Symbol(&#39;mySymbol&#39;); console.log(symbolA === symbolB); // false</pre> <p>Even though both symbols have the same description, they are distinct entities.</p> <p><a href="https://blog.stackademic.com/exploring-symbols-in-javascript-ec4661223773">Read More</a></p>