[Leetcode 438] Find All Anagrams in a String — step by step approach in Javascript

<p>Problem 438, &ldquo;<strong>Find All Anagrams in a String,</strong>&rdquo; is a common coding problem that can be solved using the sliding window technique and frequency counting. The goal is to find all the starting indices of anagrams of a shorter string (pattern) within a longer string.</p> <p><strong>Here&rsquo;s a step-by-step explanation of the problem:</strong></p> <p>Problem Statement: Given two strings, s (the longer string) and p (the shorter string), find all the starting indices of anagrams of p in s.</p> <p>An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another, typically using all the original letters exactly once.</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre> Input: s = &quot;cbaebabacd&quot;, p = &quot;abc&quot; Output: [0, 6]</pre> <p>Explanation: In the given example, &ldquo;abc&rdquo; is the shorter string (pattern), and it forms an anagram of &ldquo;cbaebabacd&rdquo; starting at indices 0 and 6.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@k.sole0414/leetcode-438-find-all-anagrams-in-a-string-explanation-and-code-395770dce80b">Click Here</a></p>