Blog 1: JavaScript Essentials for Beginners

<p>This side Priyanshu Mishra! How are you all doing! Hope you all are doing good!!&nbsp;and today this blog is for the totally beginners in Javascript.I will try to make programming language easy for you</p> <p>So, Today I am gonna write the basic syntax of Javascript for you guys because genuinely I love to teach someone so I am writing a blog on Javascript!!</p> <p>So Let&rsquo;s Go!!</p> <h1>Printing statements</h1> <p>I&rsquo;ll start with the examples because they are the most important for us!!</p> <p>So, like in python we use to print the statements by the print statement LIKE THIS</p> <p><img alt="" src="*0uAl5BrWrG443Gld.png" style="height:508px; width:639px" /></p> <p>Similarly in Javascript we use to print with<code>console.log</code>&nbsp;and it must be in the lower case</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>