My Top 10 Favorite JavaScript Tips and Tricks

<p><strong>JavaScript</strong>&nbsp;is a web programming language developed and used for creating interactive web pages. Interactive is a fancy word that can be reduced to the interaction between the user and the webpage.This interaction is based on the functionality of web pages and not manual intervention.</p> <p>Thanks to the many JavaScript frameworks that have been released in recent years, it has clearly become the go-to choice for web application development. Here are some of the most popular JavaScript frameworks:</p> <h1>1. Time the execution of your code</h1> <pre> console.time(&#39;Execution Time&#39;); await functionToBeMeasured(); console.timeEnd(&#39;Execution Time&#39;);</pre> <p>The&nbsp;<strong><em>time</em>&nbsp;</strong>method is an invaluable tool for developers who want to deliver high-performance code. It takes a timer name as a parameter and expects to receive a call to&nbsp;<em>timeEnd&nbsp;</em>in which the same timer name is provided.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>