Why HTMX Won’t Replace JavaScript Anytime Soon
<p>Ah, JavaScript, the language that backend developers love to hate.</p>
<p>While many have tried to eliminate it from the development equation, it keeps coming back — like a boomerang or a catchy song. Enter HTMX, the new star of the “Can we please get rid of JavaScript?” club. Before you jump on the bandwagon, let’s take a critical look at what HTMX has to offer, and what it might cost you in the long run.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:506/1*kf7BKrhiCu47YOZ1a9pplA.png" style="height:662px; width:506px" /></p>
<p>HTMX make it possible</p>
<h1>The Real Costs</h1>
<h1>Server Load and Bandwidth</h1>
<p>HTMX promises a simpler frontend by moving its logic to the backend. But every rose has its thorns: increased server load, bandwidth usage, and storage requirements are among them. For example, displaying clocks for various timezones in an HTMX-based application would necessitate constant server requests, each with its own computational and data transfer costs.</p>
<p><a href="https://pikilon.medium.com/why-htmx-wont-replace-javascript-anytime-soon-c07890f16711">Read More</a></p>