All JavaScript and TypeScript Features of the last 3 years

<p>This article goes through almost all of the changes of the last 3 years (and some from earlier) in JavaScript /&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">ECMAScript&nbsp;</a>and&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">TypeScript&nbsp;</a>.</p> <p>Not all of the following features will be relevant to you or even practical, but they should instead serve to show what&rsquo;s possible and to deepen your understanding of these languages.</p> <p>There are a lot of TypeScript features I left out because they can be summarized as &ldquo;This didn&rsquo;t work like you would expect it to, but now it does&rdquo;. So if something didn&rsquo;t work in the past, try it again now.</p> <ul> <li>JavaScript / ECMAScript (oldest first)</li> <li>TypeScript (oldest first)</li> </ul> <h1>Content</h1> <h1>ECMAScript</h1> <h2>Past (Still relevant older introductions)</h2> <ul> <li><strong>Tagged template literals</strong>: By prepending a function name in front of a template literal, the function will be passed the parts of the template literals and the template values. This has some interesting uses.</li> </ul> <pre> // Let&#39;s say we want to write a way to log arbitrary strings containing a number but format the number. // We can use tagged templates for that. function formatNumbers(strings: TemplateStringsArray, number: number): string { return strings[0] + number.toFixed(2) + strings[1]; } console.log(formatNumbers`This is the value: ${0}, it&#39;s important.`); // This is the value: 0.00, it&#39;s important. // Or if we wanted to &quot;translate&quot; (change to lowercase here) translation keys within strings. function translateKey(key: string): string { return key.toLocaleLowerCase(); } function translate(strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...expressions: string[]): string { return strings.reduce((accumulator, currentValue, index) =&gt; accumulator + currentValue + translateKey(expressions[index] ?? &#39;&#39;), &#39;&#39;); } console.log(translate`Hello, this is ${&#39;NAME&#39;} to say ${&#39;MESSAGE&#39;}.`); // Hello, this is name to say message. // Or if we wanted to &quot;translate&quot; (change to lowercase here) translation keys within strings. function translateKey(key: string): string { return key.toLocaleLowerCase(); } function translate(strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...expressions: string[]): string { return strings.reduce((accumulator, currentValue, index) =&gt; accumulator + currentValue + translateKey(expressions[index] ?? &#39;&#39;), &#39;&#39;); } console.log(translate`Hello, this is ${&#39;NAME&#39;} to say ${&#39;MESSAGE&#39;}.`); // Hello, this is name to say message.</pre> <ul> <li><strong>Symbols</strong>: Unique keys for objects:&nbsp;<code>Symbol(&quot;foo&quot;) === Symbol(&quot;foo&quot;); // false</code>. Used internally.</li> </ul> <p><a href="">Click Here</a>&nbsp;</p>