How use strict makes your JavaScript code unbreakable

<p>An introduction to &lsquo;use strict&rsquo; JavaScript feature with real-world examples</p> <p><img alt="use strict in JavaScript strict mode" src="*Pe4X-iMTyyL4yS6nM4sTfQ.png" style="height:452px; width:700px" /></p> <p>JavaScript &lsquo;use strict&rsquo;</p> <h1>Introduction</h1> <p>The strict mode of JavaScript prevents accidental global variable declarations and improves code quality by catching errors earlier in the development process.</p> <p>For large projects and codebases, using<code>use strict</code>is recommended as a best practice because it can help catch potential errors and improve the security and reliability of your code.</p> <h1>Examples</h1> <p>Here are two examples of how&nbsp;<code>use strict</code>&nbsp;can enforce stricter coding practices and catch potential errors early in JavaScript:</p> <h2>Variables must be declared before use</h2> <p>Using a variable without explicitly declaring it will throw an error in strict mode.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>