Tag: Dark

The Dangers of Sharenting: The Dark Side of Growing Up Online

Looking back on these words by Leonard Cohen, we can’t help being struck by the eerie relevance they hold today. Numerous kids have committed suicide because of social media. And this threat is about to become worse. But how did we get here? Why is this acutely relevant in our current AI and m...

Driverless Cars Have More Trouble Detecting Kids, Dark-Skinned Pedestrians

Driverless cars reportedly can’t detect children and darker-skinned pedestrians as well as they can lighter-skinned adults. Researchers at King’s College in London tested eight AI-powered pedestrian-detection systems against 8,000-plus images, and found that the softwar...

How to Eliminate Dark Circles

Dark circles are a common concern for many individuals, causing a tired and aged appearance. While they can be a result of various factors, including genetics and lifestyle choices, there are several effective methods to reduce and eliminate dark circles. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve i...

Take A Step In The Dark. It’s Worth It.

I find that your life’s options depend on where you are in life. And as far as I can tell. The only way to have access to more options is to change your life first. Writing short stories, and going as far as to consider writing longer works of fiction was not really an option for me up unti...

I’m Going Through My 2nd Dark Night of The Soul

Three years ago, I went through my first dark night of the soul. At the time, I had no idea what it was. All I knew was that my sense of self was suddenly changing, like a ship adrift in a sea of uncertainty. It was as if life had hit the reset button, and I was left grappling with questions that...

After Dark

After dark is a stronghold of stillness with no morning rush coffee burns calamities at work or mind crushing formulas shortages dilemmas to solve or late packages with so many standard emergencies god my stomach churns and now I’ve got a human heart pumping liquid stress f...

The Deep, Dark Secrets of Why I Can’t Have Nice Things (Or Maybe I Just Spill a Lot?)

This article is intended for those who have a sense of humor and a deep appreciation for the absurdities of life. If you’re looking for a serious psychological analysis, you might be in the wrong place. But if you’re up for some chuckles, dive right in! Introduction: The Universal Mys...

The Dark Side Of Time Management.

Why do you want to manage your time better and be more productive? Learning to become better at these is valuable. However, it can be dangerous and often leads to burnout. Time management and productivity skills are not about doing more. These skills are about getting the essential things do...

Autumn’s Arrival Tells Us to Stop And Pay Attention; We Are Going Dark Soon

Welcome to Autumn, spiritual community! A brand new week, a shift in seasons, and September’s end mere days away may prove to be a bit too much for some people causing anxiety and depression. The falling leaves and cooling temperatures are an imminent reminder that Winter is around the corn...

‘Dark Beauty and Almost Spectral Luminosity’ — the Art of Harry Clarke

The Geneva Window (1930) was originally commissioned to be installed at the International Labour Court in Geneva at the behest of the Irish government, but was ultimately turned down on grounds of indecency. Figures from Ireland’s literary past are depicted in brilliant deep blues, v...

How Leonardo da Vinci Created a Metaphorical Battle of Light and Dark in His Brushstrokes

Christopher P Jones is the author of How to Read Paintings, an introduction to some of the most fascinating artworks in art history. Detail of ‘Saint John the Baptist’ (c. 1513–1516) by Leonardo da Vinci. Oil on walnut wood. 69 × 57 cm. Louvre Museum, Paris, Franc...

Konami’s Dark Adventure Is Returning To Consoles — With Its Cheesy Indiana Jones Clone Intact!

Arcade Archives is out here doing great work when it comes to preserving classic arcade games for a new generation to enjoy. We’ve already seen what it’s done for the likes of Rolling Thunder 2, Growl and Sunsetriders, amongst countless others. And it still keeps going. ...

Dark Souls II: Obliterating My Self.

The problem with finishing something is that you then have to start something else. Playing video games and then writing about them. Why do we do this? Is it important? Is it some sort of release? Or is it a justification for all the time we spend on video games? Does it cleanse the palette? Does...

Bringing Dark Mode to our News Apps

The New York Times recently rolled out the long-awaited dark mode functionality for iOS and Android news apps. For years, the case for dark mode was well-supported by both our business goals and user requests. Launching dark mode would help us achieve our long-term vision of producing a high-qual...

Dark Web — How to get started

You may ask yourself now, “Why would anybody be interested in the Dark Web besides Criminals and Drug dealers/users?” — Well, the answer is simple. The Dark Web is not only home to criminals, but it is also a vast resource for all kinds of legitimate content; it is used by whistleb...

The Dark Side of Athens

Nightlife in Greece is its own animal. One may think, “Oh, it’s probably just like any other place in Europe.” Well, think again. In Athens, there is an entire neighborhood designated for clubs and bars, called the Gazi District. Once an industrial area where no one would dare v...

Dark Blonde

I am seated at the Unicut, settled in the red pleather captain's chair. My glasses have been removed. My body and clothes have disappeared under a generic black smock. I am just a head now, in a foreign country where I don’t speak but still need. My head is a fresh sprout bounding up from ...

Exploring Edinburgh’s Dark History: 5 Must-Visit Sites for Thrill-Seekers

As a thrill-seeker, I’m always on the lookout for exciting new adventures, and Edinburgh’s dark history offers a plethora of spine-tingling experiences. The city has a rich and fascinating past, and exploring its darker side is a must for any intrepid traveler. Here are my top five must-...

The Dark and Mysterious History of The Cecil Hotel: From Infamous Deaths to Transformation into Affordable Housing

Located in downtown Los Angeles, The Cecil Hotel is notorious for its dark and mysterious history. Since its opening in 1924, the hotel has been the site of numerous infamous incidents, including the tragic disappearance and death of Elisa Lam and the residence of serial killer Richard Ramirez, also...

A Hike In The Dark

The next stop on my photographic discovery tour of Prague brought me to a place I had noticed early on in my time in this city from the (relative) comfort of a bus traveling between the airport and the city. Divoká Šárka stands for the outskirts of the city and a refuge from the...

travelThe Dark Side of Tokyo

Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is the quintessential “mega city.” Not only is it the world’s largest metropolitan area, but it is almost entirely responsible for making Japan the third-largest economy in the world. And while this all sounds great, we’re only scratchin...

How to Use Payments and Escrow on the Dark Web

1. Understanding the Dark Web The Dark Web is a hidden part of the internet, accessible only through specialized software, such as Tor. It’s a place where users can remain anonymous and where various illicit activities often take place. But not everything on the Dark Web is illegal, and tha...

The Dark Night

Iseem to be dark nighting at the moment. It is a familiar pattern to me. I have been through several of these now. The dark night can feel unpleasant. Painful feelings and memories bubble to the surface like toxic sludge — and there is a self-loathing that hangs over me like a fault-finding...

I Went On A Four-Day Dark Retreat, Here’s Why I Did It, And What Happened…

The toughest person to answer was a guy who had never meditated or fasted. Unless you’ve done that or purposely gone without something for Lent, there’s really no way to relate. If you’ve never subtracted things from your life, whether for health, or simplicity, or spiritual gro...

The dark side of Sufism

Neither does one need to look very far to find examples of established power structures that based themselves on Islamic mysticism. In the Ottoman Empire, among others, various Sufi tariqas were supported both financially and ideologically by the sultans, which, in return, assured the loyalty o...

5 of the Most Dark Religious Beliefs and Places

Karni Mata Temple in India is also known as the Temple of Rats. The story goes that the son of the Goddess Karni Mata drowned trying to drink from a pond. She begged the God of Death, Yama, for her son’s life. Yama at first refused, but later he decided to bring the son back as a rat and now a...

Decoding the Fog: AI Shines Light on Depression’s Dark Corners

Depression has been called the “invisible disability.” Unlike physical illnesses, the emotional anguish and mental fog it causes often go unseen, suffered privately behind a mask of normalcy. Yet depression takes a massive global toll — the WHO ranks it as the #1 cause of disabilit...

In The Dark of Night

In the dark of the night, I woke up fighting to find the light. Overwhelmed by unfamiliar sensations, the side effects of the drug you told me I had to take to dissipate my immense feelings of sadness, this overpowering feeling that induces madness. Harrowing were the voices of the wounded souls ...

Special Dark Moon in Capricorn.

We have a New Moon in Capricorn at the end of December or beginning of January. Always before the third week of January. In this case it is a very particular lunation. To start, we are going to have two Full Moons in Capricorn this year that we will talk about now, which means that this Dark Moon wi...

Black Moon Lilith in Cancer: Primal Instinct of the Dark Mother

Black Moon Lilith, the abstract calculated point of lunar apogee (furthest point from Earth, closest point to the Sun) will wade into the dark and mysterious waters of Cancer Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 6:20 PM EDT where she will remain until January 2023. Black Moon Lilith is a shadowed story withi...

Self-driving cars have a blind spot: dark-skinned pedestrians

That’s the alarming finding of a study by researchers from King’s College in London and Peking University in China, who tested eight AI-based pedestrian detectors used by self-driving car manufacturers. They found a 7.5% disparity in accuracy between lighter and darker subjects, meaning ...

Maine’s Dark Night — A Call for Change

Last night, I did two things I don’t always do: I locked the doors of the camper and padlocked the sheds. I questioned if it was better to leave a house light on — or turn off all the lights. We live on a dark road with no neighbors in sight. Last night the road was eerily quiet. ...

Dark Times at a White Institution

After high school, I planned to take the full scholarship I earned and head to a Historically Black College or University (HBCU). I had been accepted to five schools that would send me south after graduation. I changed my mind in the last hour because I was afraid to be far from home. I had only tra...

My Discomfort with Light-Skinned People Choosing the Dark-Brown Emoji

First, I am grateful to Black folks who model courage, fierceness, and unapologetically speak up even when it’s uncomfortable. This piece is for people who understand that: Any color can uphold white supremacy, that colorism exists within BIPoC communities, and that being Latina/o/e/x do...

Unveiling the Shadows: A Deep Dive into the Nazi Bund and Its Dark Allies

The 1930s marked a turbulent era, not just in Europe with the rise of Nazi Germany, but also in the United States, where an often-overlooked fragment of this dark history unfolded — the German American Bund. This exploration aims to unravel the complexities of the Bund and its disturbing conne...

Dark Photons: The Possible Fifth Force of Nature

The standard model of organizing particle physics into an orderly framework has stood unquestioned for decades. But cracks are appearing in this theory as astronomers observe strange behaviors in galaxies and gravitational forces that regular physics fails to fully explain. What if an invisible s...

What was it like when dark energy rose to prominence?

Imagine looking out at the Universe: beyond the stars of the Milky Way and the nearest galaxies to us, all the way to the most distant objects we can find. When we do exactly that, examining the galaxies, quasars, and other forms of matter that appear billions of light-years away, we’re seeing...

What was it like when the cosmic dark ages ended?

For 550 million years, neutral atoms blocked the light made in stars from traveling freely through the Universe. Here’s how it then changed. Forming stars sounds like the easiest thing in the Universe to do, given enough time. However, making stars that are actually visible to an observer i...

What was it like when dark energy rose to prominence?

When we do exactly that, examining the galaxies, quasars, and other forms of matter that appear billions of light-years away, we’re seeing those objects not as they are today, but as they were in the distant past: back when their light was first emitted. At those earlier times, the Universe wa...

What was it like when the cosmic dark ages ended?

For 550 million years, neutral atoms blocked the light made in stars from traveling freely through the Universe. Here’s how it then changed. Forming stars sounds like the easiest thing in the Universe to do, given enough time. However, making stars that are actually visible to an observer i...

Why is Dark Matter So Hard to See? A Dive into China’s New Underground Lab — UniBrowPk

In the heart of China’s Sichuan province, beneath 7,800 feet of granite, whispers a hidden world. Not one of ancient tombs or forgotten treasures, but one of unseen forces shaping the very fabric of our universe. Here, nestled deep within the Jinping Underground Laboratory II (CJPL-II), scient...

Episode 60 of Stories from Space — The Dark Universe — is now Live!

This week was a bit of a treat for me personally since I got to delve into something really astrophysical and theoretical! To break it down, in 1916, Einstein placed the finishing touches on his Theory of General Relativity (GR), which explained how gravity alters the curvature of spacetime, matter ...

What Is Hiding in CRISPR Dark Matter?

In most news headlines, CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) refers to a revolutionary technology that allows scientists to make precise changes to the DNA of living organisms. CRISPR is a method of DNA editing that is faster, cheaper, and more accurate than previous...

Euclid: The Secrets of the Dark Universe

The first images from a new telescope are often spectacular. By and large they show the things we’ve come to expect from space: the stars and the galaxies, the nebulae and the dust clouds. Sometimes, thanks to better optics and sensors, their visions seem a little brighter or sharper than befo...

What was it like when the cosmic dark ages ended?

For 550 million years, neutral atoms blocked the light made in stars from traveling freely through the Universe. Here’s how it then changed. Forming stars sounds like the easiest thing in the Universe to do, given enough time. However, making stars that are actually visible to an observer i...

Ask Ethan: What were the “dark ages” of the Universe?

Today, in all directions, no matter where we look, there are luminous sources of energy to behold. Stars, galaxies, nebulae, and even energy-emitting black holes populate the Universe wherever matter has clumped and clustered together sufficiently. Even though there are great cosmic voids that span ...

Why Dark Academia Should Join Church of NeuroShift and Become my Disciples

Dark academia? I learned about them on-line somewhere two years ago- they remind me of goth, but goth music was always and still is a subdivision of this little thing you might have heard of called rock and roll, Bauhaus and Sisters of Mercy are just as much hard nasty rock and roll band as about an...

The Dark Side of Dark Ages

The Middle Ages, often called the “Dark Ages,” is a time many think was filled with decline and darkness after the fall of the Roman Empire. But this name isn’t fair or accurate. The idea started with Petrarch, an Italian writer who felt that the world had gone downhill since the d...

The Dark Truths About School: A Closer Look at the Education System

For many, the education system has long been seen as a necessary and vital institution, shaping the minds of future generations and helping them prepare for the world that lies ahead. However, there are those who argue that the system in its current form is far from perfect, and in some ways, may ev...

Deep & Elegant: Top 5 Winter Outfits for Dark Winters

Aswinter descends, the Dark Winter color palette comes to the forefront, offering an ideal chance to display your style while adhering to the season’s rich and moody hues. Don’t know what we’re talking about? Check out our article on the 12 Seasons Color Pallet Theory! D...

10 Best Eye Cream For Dark Circles

Best eye cream for dark circles, Dark circles under the eyes are very common. With the increasing screen time dark circles under our eyes have become common. Although many people embrace their natural shadowy look, most of us want to treat it. Nowadays everybody has become so busy that even resti...

How to Get Rid of Dark Circles Overnight

Dark circles under the eyes are one of the most common skin conditions that people suffer from, with millions of individuals suffering from this every year. If you are tired of waking up in the morning to dark circles and bags under your eyes, look no further than this article on how to get rid of d...

The Dark Canvas: Unveiling the Sinister Side of Makeup’s History

Makeup has been an integral part of human culture for thousands of years, serving various roles from beautification to social status symbolization. However, beneath its colourful facade lies a darker history, involving questionable ingredients, exploitation, and societal pressures. This article delv...