Dark Souls II: Obliterating My Self.

<p>The problem with finishing something is that you then have to start something else.</p> <p>Playing video games and then writing about them. Why do we do this? Is it important? Is it some sort of release? Or is it a justification for all the time we spend on video games? Does it cleanse the palette? Does it help to make sense of what we experience?</p> <p>Is Dark Souls a good game or just a very addictive one? Is it a net positive for my life? Or does it simply and plainly devour all of my time? Is the friction it produces in my brain so perfect and gratifying that I could play it forever and still not actually enrich my life in any way? Is the depressing tone it spreads all over me like butter on toast a philosophical thesis to learn from? Or is it a kind of cushy, murky cavern for my habitually depressive sub-conscious to curl up in while the rest of my otherwise creative mind stiffens and clots?</p> <p>I don&rsquo;t know! I&rsquo;m currently of two minds about all of this. There are a lot of Dark Souls apologists and proselytizers out there who have made a good portion of their life&rsquo;s work to dissect and explain the lore and themes and what deeper meaning the gameplay loops probably have.</p> <p><a href="https://andybrennan.medium.com/dark-souls-ii-obliterating-my-self-387650c82c8b"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Dark Souls