Dark Web — How to get started

<p>You may ask yourself now, &ldquo;Why would anybody be interested in the Dark Web besides Criminals and Drug dealers/users?&rdquo; &mdash; Well, the answer is simple. The Dark Web is not only home to criminals, but it is also a vast resource for all kinds of legitimate content; it is used by whistleblowers in countries with oppressive Governments, by journalists that report in countries that try to censor or oppress free press, and it hosts a number of sites that you would also find on the clear web, such as Facebook, BBC, and more.</p> <p>OK, so why do I use the Dark Web? For me, the Dark Web is a very important resource during investigations. It is part of any OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) investigation, and life would be really hard without it for much digital forensics and OSINT investigators.</p> <p><a href="https://osintteam.blog/dark-web-how-to-get-started-658409184c06"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Dark web