I Went On A Four-Day Dark Retreat, Here’s Why I Did It, And What Happened…

<p>The toughest person to answer was a guy who had never meditated or fasted.</p> <p>Unless you&rsquo;ve done that or purposely gone without something for Lent, there&rsquo;s really no way to relate. If you&rsquo;ve never subtracted things from your life, whether for health, or simplicity, or spiritual growth, you&rsquo;re just not going to get this at all. You&rsquo;ll just view these as poverties. &ldquo;Why would I want to not have good things?&rdquo;</p> <p>Well, first note that some monks take a vow of poverty, and this is for many reasons: to simplify their lives, to work to farm food (simple labor), to rely more on other people&rsquo;s generosity, and to trust God, the universe, or people with supplying their needs. That teaches you to trust.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@fantastic.elk.mail/i-went-on-a-four-day-dark-retreat-heres-why-i-did-it-and-what-happened-2d00cfbe56e2"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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