Decoding the Fog: AI Shines Light on Depression’s Dark Corners

<p>Depression has been called the &ldquo;invisible disability.&rdquo; Unlike physical illnesses, the emotional anguish and mental fog it causes often go unseen, suffered privately behind a mask of normalcy. Yet depression takes a massive global toll &mdash; the WHO ranks it as the #1 cause of disability worldwide.</p> <p>By current estimates, over 300 million people globally live with depression. But our understanding of this protean condition remains profoundly limited. Diagnosis relies heavily on self-reported symptoms and subjective criteria. Our pharmaceutical treatments were largely discovered by chance over the past 70 years, rather than designed to treat depression&rsquo;s biological roots, which remain obscure.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Dark Corners