Why is Dark Matter So Hard to See? A Dive into China’s New Underground Lab — UniBrowPk

<p>In the heart of China&rsquo;s Sichuan province, beneath 7,800 feet of granite, whispers a hidden world. Not one of ancient tombs or forgotten treasures, but one of unseen forces shaping the very fabric of our universe. Here, nestled deep within the Jinping Underground Laboratory II (CJPL-II), scientists embark on a quest not for buried relics but for the invisible ghost haunting the cosmos-dark matter.</p> <p>This behemoth of subterranean science, the world&rsquo;s deepest and largest underground lab, represents humanity&rsquo;s latest gambit in a decades-long game of cosmic hide-and-seek. Dark matter, the mysterious entity comprising a whopping 85% of the universe, exerts its gravitational influence like a celestial puppeteer, pulling galaxies into intricate dances while remaining stubbornly cloaked from our gaze.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@ghiyaasu/why-is-dark-matter-so-hard-to-see-a-dive-into-chinas-new-underground-lab-unibrowpk-201a98168cd9"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Dark Matter