Take A Step In The Dark. It’s Worth It.

<p>I find that your life&rsquo;s options depend on where you are in life. And as far as I can tell. The only way to have access to more options is to change your life first.</p> <p>Writing short stories, and going as far as to consider writing longer works of fiction was not really an option for me up until recently.</p> <p>I only managed to free some of my time to create freely a few months ago. It&rsquo;s very recent but I realize that this is not a luxury I was able to enjoy at any point in my life before that.</p> <p>I really didn&rsquo;t have the luxury to allow myself to fail on something new.<br /> I could not spend a month or two of my time to try something new until I freed enough of my time to make that possible. The mental drain from my day-to-day job was too overpowering to allow me to use my mind creatively. Coming home from work day in and day out does not leave much of a bandwidth to do more work. Even if it is something fun or if it is something you want to do.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@aurumarchon/take-a-step-in-the-dark-its-worth-it-4e25079b4fbf">Website</a></p>
Tags: Dark Step Worth