Dark Photons: The Possible Fifth Force of Nature

<p>The standard model of organizing particle physics into an orderly framework has stood unquestioned for decades. But cracks are appearing in this theory as astronomers observe strange behaviors in galaxies and gravitational forces that regular physics fails to fully explain.</p> <p>What if an invisible substance neither matter nor energy as we define them is exerting its influence throughout the universe? That mind-bending premise is the basis of&nbsp;<strong><em>dark photon theory</em></strong>. These light-like particles may only rarely interact with normal matter. Yet en masse, their subtle effects could substantiate cosmological conundrums like dark matter&rsquo;s role in galaxies&rsquo; movements and inflation rate discrepancies in the early universe.</p> <p><a href="https://aslamwaheed.medium.com/dark-photons-fifth-force-nature-science-ee3981f3f3c2"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Dark Photons