After Dark

<p>After dark<br /> is a stronghold<br /> of stillness<br /> with no<br /> morning rush<br /> coffee burns<br /> calamities at work<br /> or mind crushing<br /> formulas<br /> shortages<br /> dilemmas<br /> to solve<br /> or late packages<br /> with so many<br /> standard emergencies<br /> god my stomach churns<br /> and now I&rsquo;ve got<br /> a human heart<br /> pumping<br /> liquid stress<br /> fueled with<br /> expectations<br /> of a daytime<br /> full court<br /> press</p> <p>People would say<br /> that&rsquo;s life<br /> deal with it<br /> if you want to<br /> get ahead<br /> but that&rsquo;s not living<br /> to me<br /> and all that chaos<br /> made my<br /> eyes dusty</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>
Tags: Dark After