Exploring Edinburgh’s Dark History: 5 Must-Visit Sites for Thrill-Seekers
<p>As a thrill-seeker, I’m always on the lookout for exciting new adventures, and Edinburgh’s dark history offers a plethora of spine-tingling experiences. The city has a rich and fascinating past, and exploring its darker side is a must for any intrepid traveler. Here are my top five must-visit sites for those looking to delve into Edinburgh’s dark history.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:615/0*8_gekRQPvnL5Vd6d" style="height:409px; width:615px" /></p>
<p>First up is the Edinburgh Dungeon, a uniquely immersive experience that takes you on a journey through 500 years of Scotland’s history. From the bloodthirsty tales of Burke and Hare to the harrowing days of the plague, the Dungeon brings the city’s past to life in vivid detail. Be warned, though: the Dungeon is not for the faint of heart!</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/@nomad_nonsense/exploring-edinburghs-dark-history-5-must-visit-sites-for-thrill-seekers-cc9a86e5dd4d"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>