Exploring Edinburgh’s Dark History: 5 Must-Visit Sites for Thrill-Seekers

<p>As a thrill-seeker, I&rsquo;m always on the lookout for exciting new adventures, and Edinburgh&rsquo;s dark history offers a plethora of spine-tingling experiences. The city has a rich and fascinating past, and exploring its darker side is a must for any intrepid traveler. Here are my top five must-visit sites for those looking to delve into Edinburgh&rsquo;s dark history.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:615/0*8_gekRQPvnL5Vd6d" style="height:409px; width:615px" /></p> <p>First up is the Edinburgh Dungeon, a uniquely immersive experience that takes you on a journey through 500 years of Scotland&rsquo;s history. From the bloodthirsty tales of Burke and Hare to the harrowing days of the plague, the Dungeon brings the city&rsquo;s past to life in vivid detail. Be warned, though: the Dungeon is not for the faint of heart!</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@nomad_nonsense/exploring-edinburghs-dark-history-5-must-visit-sites-for-thrill-seekers-cc9a86e5dd4d"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Dark History