Dark Times at a White Institution

<p>After high school, I planned to take the full scholarship I earned and head to a Historically Black College or University (HBCU). I had been accepted to five schools that would send me south after graduation. I changed my mind in the last hour because I was afraid to be far from home. I had only traveled out of state with adult supervision. Attending an HBCU meant leaving New England and standing alone in a foreign place. I was not ready. When a friend of mine needed support with his application essay to an in-state university, I applied and was accepted as well. Now I was only 45 minutes from home, and I had several classmates who would also be attending. I would not be alone.</p> <p><a href="https://brendaschild.medium.com/dark-times-at-a-white-institution-102a3a5f33bb"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Dark Times