Tag: Building

Building a Sync Bridge

Event-driven architecture (EDA) is a powerful way of building loosely coupled, performant, scalable apps on the web. It enables rich experiences like push notifications, collaborative editing and multiplayer, and other real-time interactions, and encourages modularity. But sometimes the model is ...

Building Real-Time Applications with Socket.IO in Kotlin

In the realm of modern web development, user expectations have evolved beyond the static page paradigm. Users now demand dynamic, real-time interactions that offer a seamless and engaging experience. Achieving this level of interactivity requires technologies that can establish and maintain persiste...

Building a Vue.js Monorepo in 2023

Let’s face it — as developers, we often find ourselves grappling with challenges like the need to easily share ad reuse code between projects, ensure standardization across our codebase, and maintain complex dependencies. These hurdles can slow us down and hinder collaboration within our...

Building a Text-To-Speech Application with JavaScript in 3 Easy Steps

A Simple Guide to Building a Text-to-Speech App with JavaScript Hello Medium friends coding and technology lovers! Have you ever tried the text-to-speech feature on Medium? It’s pretty cool, isn’t it? You just press a button and you can hear the article instead of reading it granti...

Building Oasis a Local Code Generator Tool Using Open Source Models and Microsoft’s Guidance Library

A while ago, I wrote a VSCode plugin using the now-deprecated Codex API from OpenAI, and it worked fairly well to perform simple instructions on the selected code in VSCode. For instance, it could add a docstring to the function that I selected. As I’ve been fiddling a lot with lo...

Building an HourGlass Animation with Jetpack Compose

In this guide, we’ll explore how to use Jetpack Compose to create an HourGlass animation. With the help of a declarative syntax, Jetpack Compose is a contemporary UI toolkit for creating native Android interfaces. Several Compose elements will be combined in our HourGlass animation to simulate...

Why am I building Android apps?

I started building Android apps around 2018 when everyone wanted to make money by building apps that solve real-world problems. I took on an internship with very little experience. I build a couple of Android apps using Firebase and Google APIs. I was more and more comfortable with building apps ...

Building a Caller ID and Spam Blocker App for Android in 2023

Welcome to the world of app development! In this blog, we’ll be exploring the basics of building a Caller ID and Spam Blocker app for Android. Despite the numerous challenges posed by the latest Android APIs, including background restrictions, creating a functional and user-friendly app i...

Stop Building Startups. Start Consulting Instead.

Last week, a few readers emailed me wanting to hear more about why I started a consulting business and how to get started with one. So if you’ve ever thought about starting a consultancy, this article is for you. Many people equate entrepreneurship with building venture-scale startups. ...

The Push and Pull of Building Products

The North Star of Building Products Any sustainable business must achieve two things: a way to attract and convert new customers to the product, and a way to retain existing ones. As time goes on, in a perfect world, we’d be serving both of these customer segments with an ever-improving val...

Learn Blockchains by Building One

You’re here because, like me, you’re psyched about the rise of Cryptocurrencies. And you want to know how Blockchains work—the fundamental technology behind them. But understanding Blockchains isn’t easy—or at least wasn’t for me. I trudged through dense videos...

To find a technical cofounder, start building and prove that your idea is inevitable

Hi, I’m Taylor Hughes. I’m the technical cofounder of Hypernatural, the most amazing short-form video generator. I have shipped apps and built teams at Facebook, Google, Clubhouse, and a bunch of start-ups in between. I’ve had a few people ask me recently about how to ...

Building Reliable Distributed Systems in Node

This post introduces the concept of durable execution, which is used by Stripe, Netflix, Coinbase, Snap, and many others to solve a wide range of problems in distributed systems. Then it shows how simple it is to write durable code using Temporal’s TypeScript/JavaScript SDK. Distribute...

Building a TreeTable Using Ant Design System

A Table, also called a data grid, is an arrangement of data in rows and columns or possibly in a more complex structure. It is an essential building block of a user interface. A TreeTable is an extension of a Table that supports a tree-like hierarchy, typically in the first column. As a Tree...

Learn Blockchains by Building One

You’re here because, like me, you’re psyched about the rise of Cryptocurrencies. And you want to know how Blockchains work—the fundamental technology behind them. But understanding Blockchains isn’t easy—or at least wasn’t for me. I trudged through dense videos...

Building Trust: The 3 Steps Formula

Knowing how to build and maintain trust has been the best career catalyst for me. I managed to navigate two acquisitions and grow from a Junior Engineer role to an Engineering Director in under a decade. It was a journey of accelerated growth with a lot of challenges. Let’s first see why tr...

Are You Building a Company You’re Secretly Ashamed Of?

One of the entrepreneurs I work with was discovering the challenge of convincing people to buy her product again. She sells a custom soap for people with a certain type of skin sensitivity, it’s effective, and she has happy customers. Despite all of that, she was struggling to get repeat buyer...

Is There Really a Perfect Age for Building Successful Startups?

The average age of a successful entrepreneur is supposedly somewhere around 40 years old. I’ve been thinking about that stat a lot recently since I just turned 40. Is 40 really the age when entrepreneurs reach their startup prime? When I was a young, fresh-out-of-college entrepreneur i...

The Push and Pull of Building Products

The North Star of Building Products Any sustainable business must achieve two things: a way to attract and convert new customers to the product, and a way to retain existing ones. As time goes on, in a perfect world, we’d be serving both of these customer segments with an ever-improving val...

You Should Be Building in the Hidden Layers

In the 60s, all eyes were focused on the race between companies developing mainframes. In the 70s and 80s, it was the competition to win the personal computer space. Headlines in influential periodicals of the time boasted about the transformative power of up-and-coming competitors like Altos, Tandy...

Building A One-Person Business Is The Key To Your Financial Freedom. Here’s How You Can Do It

The day I got promoted to a Director was the saddest day of my life. I had worked my ass off for the better part of 18 months chasing this goal. Overtime, late nights, stressful clients, taking on more than I can handle. I had burned myself out countless times all to achieve this one goal. Whe...

Building More Than Just Blocks in your life

You place the first brick, and it feels like a promise. But to keep building, you need to eat. So, you start teaching people how to stack Lego bricks. Soon, it gets boring. You’re saying the same thing over and over. “Hi everyone!! Welcome to my YouTube video of how to stack ...

Three Lessons I Have Learned About Building Better Relationships

Recently, a close friend of mine had issues with his superior at work which almost led to a fall-out and a consequent decision to transfer out of that branch of the organisation to another. A couple of meetings later, he decided to stay at his current branch and to continue to work under this superi...

What I’ve Learned About Making Things in 5+ Years of Building From Scratch

A decade ago, I started my programming journey. In the past years, I’ve developed several projects from scratch, and recently I launched my own company in the field of artificial intelligence. Chances are, you’ve come across posts like this before. I have. Often, the information prese...

Building Habits Suck; Do This Instead for More Successful & Happy Days

Do you remember the time when we were kids? Yes, the time when we were always told ‘what we should and shouldn’t do.’ At that time, I used to wish to be an adult to do whatever I liked without my parents yelling at me. Now that I have become an adult, I often find...

The Gen Z Approach to Career Building

Okay, let’s cut to the chase. The world has changed, my friends. Gone are the days when you’d stick to a job for 30 years and then retire with a gold watch. That’s like, so 20th century. Today’s Gen Z is shaking things up. This new generation — born somewhere between th...

How to Knock Over the Empire State Building

You can knock over the Empire State Building with 29 dominos. Each domino knocks over about 1-and-a-half times its mass. The last domino is as tall as the Empire State Building. Now here’s the real question: How big does the first domino have to be? About the size of a Tic Tac! Im...

Building Bridges to Success: The Courage to Ask for Help

The journey to our dreams and goals can often seem daunting, tough, and at times impossible. There are hurdles we cannot cross, challenges we cannot surmount, doubts that we cannot dispel. Today, I’d like to talk about a skill, so precariously overlooked yet exceptionally potent when harnessed...

12 Thoughts On Running (And Leading Teams, Building Products, & Life)

About six years ago I started running. I was never a good athlete, and never particularly enjoyed running. But I started running a couple miles at a time, then three, then four to five daily, and this activity has brought much more to my life than I ever expected. Aside from the energy and health be...

Trust-Building Communication Techniques From a $200K+ Business Degree

I just graduated from the two-year Stanford MBA program — a program with a lower acceptance rate than Harvard Business School. While I came to Stanford to pivot into a new career, I was surprised by how much I learned about building trusting relationships. I took one of the most f...

Building Resilience: Strategies for Overcoming Setbacks in Women-Owned Businesses

My very first job was a sales person for startup. I was selling website space for an online directory — a new concept in the early 2000s. I sucked at that job but I learnt a lot. I met my design mentor there. I also met a young creative entrepreneur who had the loveliest store in the same buil...

Building an ECS #2: Archetypes and Vectorization

This is the second in a series of posts about the guts of Flecs, an Entity Component System for C and C++. Each post will cover a different part of the design and turn it inside out, so that at the end of each post you will have enough information to implement it yourself. The first ent...

Reflections on Web3 Building

With all the continuing negative news surrounding web3 and crypto, I have been reflecting on what has happened in this space over the past few years. So much has changed that I could, surprisingly, write a “reflection” blog as someone who has been actively involved in web3 development fo...

Building Iconic Brands in a Spatial World #29 | Exploring the Impact of Key Players on the VR Industry

When examining the Virtual Reality (VR) industry, it’s essential to acknowledge the significant contributions of key players such as HTC, Valve, and Samsung. These hardware manufacturers have significantly advanced VR technology, setting industry standards and opening up new possibilities for ...

Building a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) Chatbot with LangChain, Hugging Face, and AWS

SIn this video, I’ll guide you through the process of creating a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) chatbot using open-source tools and AWS services, such as LangChain, Hugging Face, FAISS, Amazon SageMaker, and Amazon TextTract. We begin by working with PDF files in the Energy domain...

Building a Food Recipe - Generative AI App on ECS, powered by Amazon Bedrock Managed FM Models using CDK

Introduction Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed AWS service that is used to build generative AI applications using foundation models (FM) from Amazon and third-party model providers accessible through an API. In this blog post, we’ll take you on a journey to implement a Generative AI based F...

Using DBT for building a Medallion Lakehouse architecture (Azure Databricks + Delta + DBT)

There’s a lot of fuzz going around the data build tool (DBT). It gains a lot of traction from the data community. I’ve seen several customers and projects, where DBT is already chosen as the tool to be used. But what it is? Where can you position DBT in your data landscape? What does it ...

A Brief Practical Demonstration of Building AWS Infrastructure Using Terraform

Today, let’s get into a brief Terraform illustration. It’s beneficial to understand Terraform’s workings, even if you’re not directly responsible for its execution. Here’s a straightforward demonstration of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) employing Terraform to establish a...

Terraform: Building AWS Infrastructure for Analyzing Resource Costs with AWS Cost and Usage Reports and Amazon Athena

In today’s cloud-driven landscape, managing costs and optimizing resource utilization is of utmost importance for organizations leveraging AWS. To gain deep insights into AWS resource costs and effectively analyze usage patterns, deploying a robust architecture is essential. With the power of ...

Building Step Function Workflows with Terraform: Creating Custom Modules

Step Functions are a powerful way to orchestrate and coordinate AWS services for serverless workflows. With Terraform, you can define your Step Function workflows as code, making it easier to manage and version your workflow definitions. In this article, we’ll explore how to create Step Functi...

Building Excellent Apps Across Devices: A Recap of “The Android Show”

In this latest episode, we dove deep into the world of Android app development, exploring ways to make it faster and easier to create excellent apps for a wide range of devices. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, there’s something in it for you. So, let’s jum...

Building a City: Regulating the Sharing Economy in Amsterdam

Inthe hip Amsterdam district of Jordaan, a woman walks into an award-winning fashion boutique. She pulls her fingertips through racks of emerging designers and vintage classics. When she’s picked out the perfect dress, she takes it to the counter and greets the clerk with a smile. No cash exch...

How a small church in Athens ended up under the arcades of a building

Seen from the Parthenon or Lycabettus hilltops, Athens is a silver-white sea of low-rise houses, resulting from the sequence of demolitions and reconstructions that followed the demographic boom of the mid-1950s. Many neoclassical and art-deco buildings paid the consequences of this sudden expansion...

Serpieri’s Building

One interesting past project was a report about a possible restoration of Serpieri’s Mansion and its adjacent buildings. We took some rather intriguing pictures as part of that project, never before published, and with that as an excuse we decided to write a bit about the story of this sign...

Building From The Back Without A Pivot

It seems in the past five years and the past two seasons especially teams have adopted the method of play by using possession to generate advantages starting from their own third. The benefits have been showing undeniably when performed successful. This article will challenge the point of view that ...

The Reichstag in Berlin | A modern Parliament in a historic building

The Reichstag was built between 1884 and 1894 by the architect Paul Wallot. At that time, Germany was a constitutional monarchy, the Deutsches Reich, that’s why it was called Reichstag. The first brick was laid in 1884 (on the 9th of June to be precised) and on the 5th of D...

What I’ve learned about building community

I enjoy being around people. I have many friends, but for a while now, I felt I was done making new ones. If I had to count the friendships I made in my life (across places I lived, school and college, and work), I’d say: good enough. I felt ecstatic with the handful of individuals I call my c...

Skate: Building a better bus dispatch app (and how it will improve your ride)

Let’s talk about what it takes to run bus service. You need buses (we have around 800 on the road at peak times). You need operators (we have over 1,000 of them). You need to make sure all of your operators have buses to drive. You need to make sure every bus and operator is at the right pl...

Building liveability

Thanks to an innovative and ambitious revitalization scheme, the city has managed to reverse the dangerous trend where declining fiscal resources and high social and infrastructure maintenance expenditure can lead cities to bankruptcy. The liveable city as conceived in Copenhagen is aligned with ...

The World’s Tallest Building

In the realm of modern architecture, certain buildings stand out due to their impressive size. As of 2023, the tallest building in the world is the Burj Khalifa in the United Arab Emirates. It’s a structure that “pushes the boundaries of height and embodies greatness...

5 Unique Team Building Ideas in Dubai

Team building is a crucial aspect of nurturing a successful and cohesive workforce. In Dubai, a city known for its innovation and luxury, team building activities take on a unique and exciting twist. Desert Adventure Challenge Take your team on an unforgettable desert adventure ...

A Jarring Monstrosity: An Architectural Review of the Scottish Parliament Building

As I write I have just returned from the wonderful Scottish capital city of Edinburgh, though I maintain that the Athens of the north is my favourite city of those I have visited, the Scottish Parliament building at Holyrood is almost as vile as the people it contains. In short, and to save you r...

What’s Pancake Collapse, Miami Surfside Building Case

How Pancake Collapse Can Be Danger. Pancake collapse is a structural collapse where the collapse occurs from the top-down as upper floors settle into lower floors of a building or other structures. Pancake collapses are dangerous, and their damage can complicate search and rescue efforts. H...

Stairs: A Tale of Two Cities

For three weeks the elevator was out in my Paris building, being entirely rebuilt. We had been warned several weeks in advance, and in fact the buzz was around the building long before that. Most of us hoped that the work would be done over the summer, when many people are away. But no. The ...

Building Bright Futures Brick by Brick: Exploring Kidizens and Their Lego Adventure

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, after-school programs are becoming increasingly vital for fostering holistic development in children. Kidizens, a trailblazer in the field, is capturing hearts and minds with its innovative approach to learning through Lego-centric activities. Let’s...

How Long It Really Takes to Get a Building Permit in San Francisco — and Why

It’s a simple project,” says John McDowell, a permit expediter who helps would-be builders untangle San Francisco’s legendary red tape. His current clients, who own an early 20th-century, mixed-use building on Market Street, want to replace wood windows with more durable materials ...

Building The Franchise

We’re now 10+ years into Golden Ventures, and while the world has been changing around us, we couldn’t be more excited about continuing to invest in seed stage founders and the companies they are building. As our portfolio grows, we’re continually looking to innovate and think abou...

Building an Effective Trading Screener with Python and Tradingview

Trading screeners are indispensable tools for traders and investors seeking opportunities in the vast financial markets. By applying specific criteria and indicators to filter through a multitude of instruments, we can uncover potential trades with higher probabilities of success. To accomplish t...

Rule #1 of Building Wealth: Play Defense With Your Money

I used to play basketball in high school. My first coach was a highly defense-oriented person. When I was 17, and in my last year of high school the Detroit Pistons won the NBA Finals. The team was coached by Larry Brown, known for his defense-first mentality. My coach was a huge fan of the Pi...

Why did they give up or delay building factories in the United States?

“After careful consideration, we have decided to abandon our plan to establish a battery factory in Oklahoma, USA.” Recently, Tesla battery supplier Panasonic Corporation of Japan announced this news. And this is not an isolated case. In January, South Korea’s LG “unlim...

36 Months of Building Side Hustle — My (No-Fluff) Guide to Build Your Own in 2024

I did it, and I started with nothing. No rich parents. No shortcuts. No get-rich-quick schemes. Just a desperate 20-year-old trying to figure out life. What I did have: a skill I learned in college and an itch to build something of my own. So I scratched that itch. Worked for 3+ years st...

Laying the Ground Work to Effect Change: Our Approach to Community & Trust Building

For nearly a decade, I’ve harnessed womxn’s collective giving to challenge the status quo and drive systemic change in Chicago. With a dedicated community of givers and colleagues, we strove to transform philanthropy to champion equity and amplify voices of the oppressed. Partnering with...

Building The Future:

Buildings are responsible for a significant amount of global energy consumption and carbon emissions. But how do the various strategies for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through building energy efficiency compare, specifically for larger commercial, institutional, and public buildings? ...

On Building Optimism

Most new places in America aren’t very good. This is both a common refrain, and an observable, subjective, reality. While I’d go so far as to call it an objective fact, for those who won’t, there’s little doubt that most of our new places leave much to be desired. Acres ...

Cost of Building and Renovating

The costs per square meter or tsubo (3.3sqm) vary between home makers but are centered around 1m JPY / tsubo, or 3m JPY / ~$3,000 / sqm. (Get used to thinking in tsubo, it makes life easier later…). So a 100 sqm house is roughly 30m JPY or ~$300k. This varies dramatically and there is a lo...

What Exactly is ‘Energy’? Understanding the Building Block of All Creation

In the spiritual world, you might hear people talk about energy all the time, but it seems that nobody has a good explanation for what energy actually means. So it ends up being some vague concept that many spiritualists base their lives around, yet can’t explain what it is or how it...

A French in America: Blacks Are Lazy

I met Nikola in New York. He was a doorman in a building, where a friend of mine lived. I saw him when I visited. Apart from some polite interaction, necessary when you visit someone in a doorman building, we had never really talked. But on a day of May 2018, we had a conversation for the first t...

Building NE2

With the large housing-zoned territory to one side, and the Tanjong Pagar Terminal redevelopment on the other, the need for the station might have been quite obvious at the time the NEL was being planned. Even after that, when the routing of CCL6 was up in the air, CCL6 could have avoided the area t...

Establishing a Smart Building Industry Standard

The term “Smart Building” has been in use since at least the 1990s, coined to reference something “more” than just automation. It emerged from the “Smart” lexicon — smartphone, smart home, smart grid, smart cities — invoked when a product is more 4th I...

Beyond the App — 5 Steps to Building a Community of Users

Whether you’re checking the weather, shopping for shoes, or tracking your sleep patterns — it seems like there’s an app for everything. According to a July 2015 report from Statista, Android users could choose from 1.6 million apps in the Google Play Store. The Apple App Store...

7 principles for building better cities

Why the 7 principles presented by Peter Calthorpe in his Ted Talk are so important for the future of urban planning More than half of the world’s population is already living in cities, and another 2.5 billion people are projected to move to urban areas by 2050. The way we build new cities ...

Building Footprint Extraction for 3D City Modelling using Point Cloud and Orthophoto: Case Study of Karaman/Turkiye

As a result of urban population growth and the construction of different complex structures, 3D visualization has become indispensable for spatial planning and urban management. 3D city models, also referred to as “digital twins”, are used in areas such as disaster management, telecommun...

On Building Optimism

Most new places in America aren’t very good. This is both a common refrain, and an observable, subjective, reality. While I’d go so far as to call it an objective fact, for those who won’t, there’s little doubt that most of our new places leave much to be desired. Acres ...

My experience building credit as an American living in the UK

I see it practically every day across the multiple immigration and expat communities I admin on Facebook, and I’ve commented umpteen times about my experiences with credit — like how I established credit quickly and relatively “easily” in the UK as a new immigrant. So I thoug...

Atoms: The Building Blocks of Matter

Particles, the pivotal units of issue, have enchanted the interest of scientists and brains for a seriously prolonged stretch of time. These tiny particles are the design blocks of everything around us, from the air we breathe in to the stars that radiance in the night sky. In this article, we will ...

How I Built a Generative AI Model that can Generate Novel Small Molecules for Drug Discovery! — Part 2: Building the Artist and the Critic

If you’re here from the first part of this project, welcome back! If you’re new here, or this is the first article you’re reading in this series, please check out Part 1 for context on what’s happening here. In Part 1, we discussed the important terminology and c...

What Ever Happened to the “Original Green Building”?

Historian Nicholas Adams has characterized the Weyerhaeuser project (recently renamed Woodbridge Corporate Park) as “one of SOM’s most significantly underappreciated buildings.” But though the project may appear an outlier among the firm’s predominantly vertical icons of...

Nanostructures: Building Blocks of Tomorrow’s Innovations

Nanostructures, the tiny building blocks with dimensions at the nanometer scale, are paving the way for revolutionary innovations across various fields. These structures, ranging from nanoparticles to nanotubes, exhibit unique properties due to their size, shape, and composition. In this blog ...

I Wondered What They Were Building in There

I picture myself standing at the edge of Greg’s driveway. It was dark, and I had walked over because I saw the blue light. I had been watching the television in my living room. As a boy, I would lie on the rug and pull at its loose fibers while watching some sitcom family on the TV. Sometim...

Building on Mars: Pioneering Construction and Habitability

The key to constructing durable habitats on Mars lies in using the planet’s resources. Martian soil, rich in iron oxide, gives Mars its distinctive red color and can be a critical component in producing cement. Scientists propose using sulfur, which is abundant on Mars, to create sulfur concre...

A Radically Collaborative Approach to Ending the Opioid Epidemic

Asan entrepreneur who spent my first career building mission-critical supply chain solutions, I understand the importance of getting the right product to the right location at the right time, as cost effectively as possible. Over the last 30 years a major shift has taken place in the supply chain fr...

Venture Building— What is the job really like?

Someone told me as I had just started at Rainmaking Venture Studio this year, that I got the dream job. That most business school graduates want to work in McKinsey, BCG, or venture building. And now I am in one of them. Now, I do not know about this being the ultimate dream job. B...

Building computer for AI

That’s all! Let me know which components I should consider! And here’s  Walda! Full transparency: If you use my links to order, I’ll get a small kickback. So, if you’re inclined to order anything, feel free to use the link— it’d really help me out! ...

Case study: Building multilingual museum tours in the blink of an eye

The cost and time required to create multilingual content forced museums to limit the number of languages available, but also the amount of multilingual content available in their visitor app. This pain point led Livdeo to think over the methodology required for museums to meet this need. This is...

Best Practices for Sneaker Reselling: Building Customer Trust

Introduction In the dynamic world of sneaker reselling, customer trust is a linchpin of success. With the sneaker resale market continuously expanding, it’s vital to adopt practices that foster trust. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to build and maintain that trust, shari...