What I’ve learned about building community

<p>I enjoy being around people. I have many friends, but for a while now, I felt I was done making new ones. If I had to count the friendships I made in my life (across places I lived, school and college, and work), I&rsquo;d say: good enough. I felt ecstatic with the handful of individuals I call my close friends. I felt proud of the few dozen other people (who I don&rsquo;t see or speak to often, but) I consider my friends.</p> <p>In spring 2020, most of us sat at home wondering what would happen with the world, our families, our jobs, and our lives. Friends were essential to making me feel normal. Even when normal was to sit on Zoom for drinks or outdoors and gather in freezing temps. Thanks, New England!</p> <p><a href="https://paolars.medium.com/what-ive-learned-about-building-community-94377589b090"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>