On Building Optimism
<p>Most new places in America aren’t very good. This is both a common refrain, and an observable, subjective, reality. While I’d go so far <a href="https://uxdesign.cc/where-there-is-beauty-ead0df4e8dbb" rel="noopener" target="_blank">as to call it an objective fact</a>, for those who won’t, there’s little doubt that most of our new places leave much to be desired. Acres of sprawling homogenous tract homes, seas of parking in front of big box stores, 5-over-1 fast-casual architecture, offices located in the most grotesque usage of the word “park” in the English language. For nearly a century, we’ve extracted beauty out of our towns and cities, only to replace it with boxes of varying sizes along ever-widening roads, damning the environment, our cities, and ourselves in the process.</p>
<p><a href="https://marker.medium.com/on-building-optimism-f7f0a6fdaf21"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>