A Radically Collaborative Approach to Ending the Opioid Epidemic
<p>Asan entrepreneur who spent my first career building mission-critical supply chain solutions, I understand the importance of getting the right product to the right location at the right time, as cost effectively as possible. Over the last 30 years a major shift has taken place in the supply chain from manufacturers “pushing” to consumers “pulling.” This seismic shift forced supply chain collaboration and the connecting of multidisciplinary systems, with a focus on improving quality and delivery outcome, while driving inefficiencies and cost out of the system. We’ve watched in amazement as collaborative logistics streamlined everything from Walmart to Amazon to Uber.</p>
<p><a href="https://healthtransformer.co/a-radically-collaborative-approach-to-ending-the-opioid-epidemic-694b5d4458e"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>