What Ever Happened to the “Original Green Building”?
<p>Historian Nicholas Adams has characterized the Weyerhaeuser project (recently renamed Woodbridge Corporate Park) as “one of SOM’s most significantly underappreciated buildings.” But though the project may appear an outlier among the firm’s predominantly<strong> </strong>vertical icons of 20th-century architecture, the departure from a supposedly prevalent<strong> </strong>style speaks to the reality of a wide-ranging and adaptive portfolio. The building has had a profound influence on architecture in the Pacific Northwest and beyond, and its most distinctive elements have helped form the DNA of SOM’s approach to sustainable design in the 21st century.</p>
<p><a href="https://som.medium.com/what-ever-happened-to-the-original-green-building-191ceb2a4fec"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>