A Jarring Monstrosity: An Architectural Review of the Scottish Parliament Building

<p>As I write I have just returned from the wonderful Scottish capital city of Edinburgh, though I maintain that the Athens of the north is my favourite city of those I have visited, the Scottish Parliament building at Holyrood is almost as vile as the people it contains.</p> <p>In short, and to save you reading this bitter polemic in its entirety (should you wish to yield now), the Scottish Parliament building is a jarring monstrosity that offends me to my very core.</p> <p>This vast concrete colossus can best be described as a brutalist, knock-off Guggenheim meets the Rainforest Caf&eacute; and elects to insert itself into a previously pleasant environment. Perhaps the dull concrete, steel and glass combination reminiscent of the Soviet-era Russian embassy in Cuba would upset the eye enough had it not also been adorned with bizarre sticks and irregular, octagonal panels that act as a shout-out to the post-modernists, a reminder that nothing needs to make sense anymore.</p> <p><a href="https://voluntarchist.medium.com/a-jarring-monstrosity-an-architectural-review-of-the-scottish-parliament-building-fd7cd2f4d816"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>