Building an HourGlass Animation with Jetpack Compose
<p>In this guide, we’ll explore how to use Jetpack Compose to create an HourGlass animation. With the help of a declarative syntax, Jetpack Compose is a contemporary UI toolkit for creating native Android interfaces. Several Compose elements will be combined in our HourGlass animation to simulate the familiar Hourglass timing effect.</p>
<h1>The Animation</h1>
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<h1>Utilizing the Canvas</h1>
<p>One of the most fascinating aspects of creating the HourGlass animation is the use of the <code>Canvas</code> Composable. Jetpack Compose provides the <code>Canvas</code> Composable, which allows us to draw custom graphics and shapes directly onto the screen. In our HourGlass animation, we take full advantage of the capabilities offered by <code>Canvas</code> to bring our hourglass to life.</p>
<h1>Setting Up the HourGlass Animation</h1>
<p>To begin, let’s create a Composable function called <code>HourGlass</code> that takes in a <code>HourGlassViewModel</code> and a <code>HourGlassConfig</code>. The <code>HourGlassViewModel</code> will provide us with the necessary data for our animation, while the <code>HourGlassConfig</code> will define the size and other configuration parameters of our hourglass.</p>
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