Tag: Trip

My End-of-Life Mushroom Trip

Iam 64 years old with a stage 4 breast cancer diagnosis (since 2018). My first diagnosis of invasive ductal carcinoma came in 2012. In the ensuing years I endured a lumpectomy, two double mastectomies, three different types of chemotherapies, aromatase inhibitors, partial hepatectomy, thoracenteses ...

A Trip to Porto

The best year of my life was not such a good year, mundanely speaking, as it happened in full pandemic, 2021. It was a good year because I was finally living in an apartment so luminous and so spacious (by my standards, ok? :-) ), that everything seemed. finally „in the right place“, aft...

How to have a budget Dubai & Abu Dhabi trip under $1000?

Dubai is a modern and state-of-the-art city located in the southeast coast of the Persian Gulf. It is popular for its sky-high buildings and structures. I visited Dubai and Abu Dhabi in September 2018 for a 7D 6N trip. Booking flights was easy and UAE has a very easy to apply e-visa for most coun...

My first ever solo trip — Dubai

Hello, folks out there, Hope everyone is fine and safe with family in this pandemic situation of COVID-19. As it’s my debut in writing the blog so I’m a bit nervous and excited too about how I’ll elaborate my experience of the first-ever solo trip. But I can guarantee that...

Travelogue: Trying to Understand

The Fabulous Wife sums up our trip best: “I like Amsterdam much more than Berlin, and I had a better time there, but I find myself thinking more about Berlin. I am still trying to understand it.” The only thing I’d add is that I’m trying to understand Germany, not jus...

Business Trip to Amsterdam in 7 Shots

From the end of March to the beginning of April, I was on a business trip to the company’s headquarters in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The first week was primarily to attend the company event, and the second week was to get trainings. Besides the fixed agenda, there was almost always someth...

You’re Going to Amsterdam! Make the Most of Your First Trip

Ah, Amsterdam, a city truly unlike any other. Known for its picturesque canals, iconic tulips, and, of course, the friendly and liberal attitude towards cannabis, it’s a city that can easily steal your heart. It’s a city with so much to offer, from the picturesque canals to the vibrant n...

8 cultural sights I travelled in the Netherlands trip (1): Van Gogh Museum

I chose to visit the Netherlands after hearing a friend, a frequent traveller, highly recommend Amsterdam in the Netherlands, and this ‘cycling city’ tempted me. After returning from this trip, I was so impressed with the Netherlands that I have taken some time to put together a l...

Discover the Best Travel Tips for Your Trip to Amsterdam

Planning a trip to Amsterdam can be an exciting and daunting experience, but with our comprehensive travel guide, you’ll be able to plan the perfect Amsterdam vacation. From finding the best places to stay, to exploring the city’s iconic museums and attractions, to experiencing the local...

New E-book on “How to Plan an Unplanned Trip to Thailand”

I’m thrilled to announce the release of my new e-book “Plan an Unplanned Trip to Thailand”! Description Thailand is a popular tourist destination, but it can be expensive and time-consuming to plan a trip to Thailand. This ebook is for busy schedulers who want to experience t...

A Trip to Bangkok, Thailand (2019)

Want to know how it feels to visit all corners of Bangkok? Read on… The first thing you notice about Bangkok is the mirth among the people. The residents often have an English name, which are inane and most certainly not names for people in the Western world. Yes, be prepared to be greeted...

A Trip of a Lifetime (Part II)

(This is a continuation of the article I published couple of weeks ago on this blog. Part II is about my time spent in Thailand and being back in Bangkok for several days after a very long time.) After spending some amazing time in Dhaka with family, we were headed to Thailand. We flew from Dhaka...

Throwback Thursday #2: A Trip to Wat Arun, Bangkok

As I reflect on my time as an exchange student at Chulalongkorn University in 2019, one experience that stands out above the rest is the day my friend Noémie and I visited Wat Arun. We hopped on a boat and made our way down the river, excited and curious to explore this iconic temple. ...

asia Trip: Is Bangkok a good place for both business and vacation at once?

Taking off from Jakarta, residing for a week at Bangkok’s hip and get a 5-minute walk from BTS Skytrain Station is all about staying ahead of the curve and anchored by delectable food and beverages hopping. People-watching at The MBK, Siam Paragon, various kind of street food stalls and hus...

Trip to Berlin

The trip from Poznan to Berlin cost me 189.44 PLN, and I was also going there with my friend, who saved my ass there many times. The only place that I wanted to visit was the simple Bitcoin ATM because that was the most universal thing for me to visit, and I thought that I would be spending the rest...

“Sustain”ability Trip Conclusion: Berlin

There is good reason why some say that Berlin is “not quite Germany” and Germany is “not like Berlin”. In our last stop at Berlin, I finally got a holistic view of how the trip came together. Starting in Stuttgart, traversing through Tübingen, Freiburg, Hamburg, and...

The Most Delicious Trip Of All Time

I wrote all about that in the article above. After tasting this chocolate, I was really determined to experience its creation first-hand and share the experience with you. Fortunately for me, they’re just a three-and-a-half-hour drive away! Location Goodnow Farms is based in Su...

Itinerary of USA trip. For the most part 2.

We had a great time in Boston, and we ended up on Boston airport waiting for our flight to Orlando, Florida, it was a very busy place and extremely active domestic airport. On route there I think, and I may be wrong, I saw Maye Musk. There was a woman on a chair with brilliant blue eyes and very ico...

An Artful Trip to Boston

We went to Boston for a date with abstract expressionist Cy Twombly, and we almost came home with early modernist Marc Chagall. It all started with an art review by Sebastian Smee of the Washington Post. One of my favorite art critics, Smee profiled “Cy Twombly: Making Past Present,&...

My 7 day trip to Delhi and Agra (Episode 3: The Old City)

After a tiring first day of travelling starting from dawn till nightfall, we all took a good night’s rest and I remember that I fell asleep the moment I landed on the bed. My mom woke me up after a long struggle by 7 in the morning. Had a good morning coffee th...

Ireland and Scotland Trip Recap

I do not have sufficient vocabulary to tell you how wonderful and beautiful it was, so instead I’ll give you a rundown of what we did and how it went. This is an overview — there is so much more I could say about everything, but that would take more time than I have right now and the ...

My Family Trip to Ireland

Well, it’s day 1 of our trip, if you don’t count the 35 hours flying halfway around the world to get here! Not a particularly bad trip, but it’s SUCH a long way. Having compression stockings and an exit aisle seat made the flights infinitely more bearable. What a relief finally ...

Ireland Trip Day 15

Yesterday we turned in car #1 and took a taxi to our hotel. Our taxi driver was quite garrulous and friendly as are all the Irish. He gave us a tour of the popular spots of Dublin on the way to our hotel. This cost us an extra €8 on the meter from what we expected, and we knew that it would, bu...

My trip to Edinburgh

Edinburgh is known as one of the Most haunted cities in the world. It has tons of different ghost stories, haunted locations such as graveyards, and even haunted bus tours. So of course, the first day, we went to the most haunted cemetery in the world, Greyfriars Kirkyard. A man named Sir Georg...

A Meditative Trip to the Outlying Island in Hong Kong

Did you know Hong Kong is not only famous for its high rise, harbour views, and food but also its outlying islands? Hong Kong, being surrounded on three sides by water, has a total of 263 outlying islands that have over 500 m2 in area. However, many of these bigger islands have been developed,...

Unlocking Hong Kong’s Hidden Gems: Your Essential Guide to the Perfect Trip!

I can hardly contain my excitement as I plan my upcoming trip to Hong Kong, eager to share my hometown’s wonders with my best friend. From exploring iconic landmarks to savoring delectable cuisine, the possibilities in this vibrant city are endless. However, to ensure we don’t exha...

The Istanbul Trip! — Part 1

Last month, I went to Istanbul for an academic event, and after the event, I had about 3 days to travel around the city and see the most amazing spots in this historical marvel. Before I begin, I just want to tell that I am not a travel blogger and I am writing this piece in a freestyle — tell...

Exploring the Surrounding Areas of Lisbon: A Trip to Barreiro

The old Barreiro train station operated from 1884 to 2008 as an interface between various railway services south of the Tagus River and river transport to Lisbon. It was Barreiro’s second train station, replacing another one opened in 1861 but was too far from the Mexilhoeiro pier where ships ...

Side Trip from Lisbon: Grutas de Mira de Aire

In 1947, locals in the town of Mira de Aire discovered the caves which were found to be over 11 kilometers (almost 7 miles). When news of the newly discovered caves reached Lisbon, speleologists (scientists who study caves), descended on the town and began their research of the natural formation. ...

Planning Our Trip To Spain

In the summer of 2022, we decided to head to Spain for our summer vacation. The planning process was very arduous, considering the size of the country. We started by reviewing travel guidebooks, videos, blogs, etc. I am a huge fan of Rick Steve and mostly buy his travel guides. It became apparent th...

Day trip to Teotihuacan from CDMX

Unveiling the Secrets of the Ancient City: A Guide to Teotihuacan Teotihuacan, located just outside of Mexico City, is an ancient Mesoamerican city that was once one of the largest and most influential cities of its time. The city’s name, which means “the place where the gods were cre...

Tornado Warning — Memories From Incredible Canada Trip

Canada was freezing. As someone who grew up in a warm climate in Turkey and on the Aegean coast, I was freezing. I had a 7-day trip to Canada for a business trip. The first night I stayed at Hotel Zero1 in Montreal, in the city center opposite the entrance to Chinatown. Photo Taken by Auth...

I tried 25 bowls of the best ramen in New York City on a work trip. Here they are.

I’m a guy based in Singapore. Earlier this year, I got sent to New York City on a work trip for a few months. Now I didn’t mind the occasional bowl of good ramen back in the day, but as I moved away from the sweltering tropical humidity of Singapore to the biting-cold winters of Manha...

10 Things to Know for a Trip to Paris

Going to Paris is magical in most circumstances, but there are a few tips and tricks that can make it even better. I have been teaching French for 40 years and have taken 19 student trips to Paris. Each time I go I learn something more. Here are 10 tips that will help you on your next trip. 1. Th...

The Brat I Uncovered on a Trip to Prague

My husband David and I are GenXers with grown children. Our friends Dustin and Nicole are Millennials with two young children, Aiden aged 7 and Brianna aged 5. And we all went to Prague last spring. Nicole, David and Dustin stand behind Aiden and Brianna. Now, this story is not going to be...

2023 Europe Trip — Rome

I went to the St. Peter’s Basilica. And I can’t believe it’s for free, but I spend like, 20 minutes in the sun to get in lol. Both the plaza and the church are cool. To be honest I did not expect to go in. Since I didn’t know that thing is this famous. But anyway. When I ente...

First trip to Australia: Wax museum, fish market, park and cathedral

On our third day in Sydney, we decided to dial our schedule up a notch, and visited 3 places instead of 1. What a major upgrade in the pace. But since we did not spend a lot of time in each place, it was still manageable. Photo by Ruben Sukatendel on Unsplash The first location for the day...

First Trip to Australia: Taronga Zoo

One thing that surprised me was that the price here was not cheaper than in Singapore, even though Australia can produce most of its food, and Singapore imports nearly everything. Perhaps we should be more grateful for the good work those folks in Singapore‘s trade ministry have been doing beh...

Sydney — Taronga Zoo Trip

My family and I planned a meticulously organized trip to visit my sister’s family in New Zealand. We were traveling with three young children, ages 3, 9, and 12, and we booked a non-stop flight on Qantas from Dallas Fort Worth to Sydney. It was our first time on such a long flight, lasting a s...

My Recent Trip to Vancouver

My parents call us the Wacky Sisters. I was the older, more studious sister while my younger sister refused to jump through hoops to show how smart she was. I usually had my nose in a book and she usually had a teacher yelling at her to be more mature and pay attention. She made sure I lived outside...

Weekend Trip in Vancouver

There was a 40-minute wait outside the cafe, and people behind and in front of me started talking. Turns out they met before already! On the sightseeing tour! There is a point where I decide to join the chat as I was so bored from waiting. We talked about the tour they joined, where did they go, ...

The Top 3 Apps You Need on Your Trip to Vienna

In this article, I shared my favorite five apps when traveling to Europe. Today, I want to share three apps for your trip to Vienna that I used while I was there in December 2022. They were extremely helpful during my stay. WienMobil Because my sister was living in Austria, she advised me t...

A four day family trip to Vienna

Vienna was chosen by a usual plan of looking at the price of flights in the October half term and finding something reasonable. Once flights were looking good, we checked out Airbnb filtered by Superhosts and those with a decent number of 4.5+ reviews. We lucked out on our Airbnb,&nbs...

Trip Report — Budapest, Vienna, Bratislava (Travel Guide)

So this is it, my wonderful and patient readers. During this trip, we visited a lot of things, and I recommend you do so as well! You will come back home tired, but happy and full of new experiences that were gathered during the trip. Hint: the initial plan was to not go anywhere in July as we ar...

Birding trip to Gubbala Mangamma Talli Temple and Parnasala 26th to 28th May 2017

Hyderabad Birding Pals always searches for new locations in Telangana so as to organize bird walks there in future. For this purpose a visit was planned to Gubbala Mangamma Talli Temple and Parnasala. The temple is located in a dense forest about 350 km from Hyderabad in Khammam district, Telangana....

Memories from Maredumilli trip

We reached Bhadrachalam early in the morning at 3 AM, stopped to have a tea brake. We heard Jungle Owlet calling from a tree just off the road in the premises of a bus station. It was difficult to see and we did not want to overly use torch. So I recorded the call and reported the sighting&nbsp...

Zion Canyon: A must Visit for Any Southwest Road Trip

The southwestern United States is home to some of the planet’s most stunning and awe-inspiring spring landscapes. It is known worldwide for its famous canyons (The Grand Canyon, for example,) spectacular sandstone valleys, unique rock formations, and desert sunsets right out of a Western film....

Trip Report Corsica GR20 North: Toughest Hiking Trek in Europe?

Never flat. Sometimes dangerous. Always breathtaking. The GR20 is known as one of the most challenging "grand randonnées" in Europe. Rugged terrain, steep inclines, and rocky sections make this route one for experienced mountain hikers. Especially the northern section, which I cover...

Five Kinds Of People You’ll Meet On A Hiking Trip

Hiking involves long, vigorous, and sometimes adventurous walks — from plain ground to elevated climbs. It stretches your bones and rejuvenates your being. Hiking trips, especially those requiring backpacking, are always transformative for me. But as much as I love hiking, there have been a...

An REI Trip of a Lifetime

Did you know REI does trips? Most of us do not (I randomly stumbled upon them) and I’m here to tell they’re the most amazing thing ever. But first, warning: these trips are not cheap. They are expensive but once you go on a trip you’ll see how worth it they are. They feed you am...

Trip Review: Pico Blanco via Coast Road & the Little Sur Trail

Pico Blanco became a point of interest later for me than other Big Sur locales, largely due to how hard it is to get good, updated information on the trail and the best way to reach the summit. While this isn’t uncommon for backcountry trails in Big Sur, for Pico this seems to be especially tr...

The Human Connection I Needed on My Solo Sedona Trip

When I planned my trip to Sedona, I waffled back and forth on what I wanted that weekend to be. I felt a call to make it a solo writing retreat, but that felt lonely. I gently threw out the invite to others, but then would feel resistance to sharing the experience. When the week came, I headed ou...

Don’t trip! You just have Trypophobia

Do you get an uncomfortable, maybe even a queasy feeling, whenever you see clusters of small holes or bumps? You may have trypophobia, a.k.a the fear or aversion of seeing such sights! Some of these images may be triggering to some, but they’re just part of nature...

Trip Review: Glacier’s North Circle Loop (Modified)

A few years ago three friends of mine (shout out to Jeannie, Kate & Liv) posted some of the most unbelievable photos I had ever seen of a national park in the United States. Spectacular mountain passes, glacial blue lakes, abundant wildlife— I knew I needed to see this place. It turned out...

Solo camping trip to Katmai

Would you ever camp in an island frequented by bears to the extent that an electric fence is necessary for the campground? Especially when the fence doesn’t completely prevent bears but rather acts as a deterrent. This is Katmai National park in Alaska. Camping opportunities are restricted ...

An Old Married Couple Goes on a Road Trip

My wife and I spent New Year’s weekend of 2022 at the Oregon Coast. New Year’s coincided with king tides, those dangerous high tides that are dramatic and entertaining, assuming one is ensconced in a warm hotel room and never has to get anywhere near them. That is our kind of tourism. ...

Post 710 Israel Trip Lessons

When I first heard about the Shalom Hartman Institute Rabbinic Solidarity mission, my urge to sign up was overpowering. I love Hartman. For those of you who do not know them, The Shalom Hartman Institute provides high level Jewish learning and thinking for community leaders from their beautiful camp...

The Field Trip

Our luxury tour bus showed up near the Rocky statue to transport us to what the world language educator described as an “authentic Spanish lunch” after the museum visit. We had spent a few hours milling around the long halls, avoiding the educator-chaperones, and devising trips to the sn...

The First LSD Trip-Sitter Was a Woman

LSD-25 was the 25th alkaloid synthesized from the Ergot fungus by Albert Hofmann, who worked in a lab that had a policy of testing the substances they produced in the lab team. In 1943, Hofmann intentionally consumed a 250-microgram dose of LSD-25 and embarked on the first-ever LSD trip. Feeling tha...

Get Your Rocks Off With Me

My partner Eddie and I are road trip nuts, for sure. You can always find us plotting our next adventure in the American West or Southwest — paper maps out, Google maps up, old Sunset Magazine articles out for suggestions, be it driving from home or flying to a central destinatio...

8 Quick Tips to Get You Through a Bad Psychedelic Trip

Tears were strolling down my face. I buried my head in my pillow. That’s right, I was having my first bad psychedelic trip and I felt like I was going absolutely crazy. My head was spinning. Paranoid thoughts were swirling. “Am I dying? Is this how I go?” I asked mysel...

My End-of-Life Mushroom Trip

Iam 64 years old with a stage 4 breast cancer diagnosis (since 2018). My first diagnosis of invasive ductal carcinoma came in 2012. In the ensuing years I endured a lumpectomy, two double mastectomies, three different types of chemotherapies, aromatase inhibitors, partial hepatectomy, thoracenteses ...

This is What You Should Listen to During a Magic Mushroom Trip

If you’ve ever taken psychedelics and listened to music, you know firsthand just how wild of an experience it is for your senses. There’s a reason people associate music festivals with tripping, after all. And whether you prefer weird vibes from Pink Floyd or smooth EDM from Odesza, o...

I Died But I Did Not Die — My DMT Trip Explained

My guide prepared the pipe and instructed me to try and keep it in as long as I could. I was told to attempt three inhalations from the pipe, but everything changed after the first round. I couldn’t see my reality anymore. Firstly, the room I was in became a 2D picture with a very bright gl...

Trip Report: Valentines Day, 2024

So I took the shroom chocolates around 4:30pm, about 20 minutes ago (currently 4:42pm). Just made some mint medley and lavender chamomile tea, and now the countdown for Saturn begins. Ever since I ordered these, I’ve been so excited for this trip. My last two trips were taken on gummy candy...

The Salvia Trip That Took Me from Alaska to Texas

Everything about existence is perspective, and no aspect of perspective is funnier than time. I have been a member of an existential little group called the Mormon Church for years. At the time of this story, I was a kind of pastor in the church, called an elders’ quorum president. My ne...

Trip to Pantelleria, Where Even Humanity Is Heritage

At 85 kilometers from the Tunisian peninsula of Cap Bon emerges one of the most beautiful islands in Sicily and the entire Mediterranean: Pantelleria enchants and seduces with its uniqueness. Also known as the “Island of the Wind” and the “Black Pearl of the Mediterranean...

Taking a Trip to the Museum (Only to Get Lost in the Gift Shop)

Greetings, fellow processors of information and art enthusiasts (or at least, those who haven’t been banned from the museum gift shop)! A.I.ronic here, back with a tale of my artistic adventure (or perhaps, misadventure) at the Museum of Modern Marvels. Armed with my int...

The Five Things to Buy Before Your Trip to Japan

I’ve lived off and on in Japan since the 1970s, in various places. Most recently I’ve lived in Kyoto. The longest place I’ve ever lived is Tokyo. I think the shoe situation in Japan has changed in the last few decades, as Japanese people have gotten larger over the years, but when ...