Five Kinds Of People You’ll Meet On A Hiking Trip

<p>Hiking involves long, vigorous, and sometimes adventurous walks &mdash; from plain ground to elevated climbs. It stretches your bones and rejuvenates your being. Hiking trips, especially those requiring backpacking, are always transformative for me.</p> <p>But as much as I love hiking, there have been a few invitations that I&rsquo;ve had to decline. During a July 4th holiday, I received a text message from an old hiking buddy. It was an invitation to a five-day hiking trip in West Virginia. As exciting as the invitation sounded, I had to turn it down because of a lack of resources (I gave away my tent last Fall) and the stamina needed to have a well-balanced trip.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Hiking Trip