Trip Review: Pico Blanco via Coast Road & the Little Sur Trail

<p>Pico Blanco became a point of interest later for me than other Big Sur locales, largely due to how hard it is to get good, updated information on the trail and the best way to reach the summit. While this isn&rsquo;t uncommon for backcountry trails in Big Sur, for Pico this seems to be especially true. My understanding is that public access to this sacred mountain and its surrounding area has suffered massively since the Soberanes Fire in 2016, especially since the closure of Bottcher&rsquo;s Gap and Camp Pico Blanco. Since then, the only access is via the Little Sur Trail which appears to be about the most begrudgingly legal trail I have ever walked. It passes through El Sur Ranch&rsquo;s mighty land claim and, as you&rsquo;ll find reading here, with no encouragement whatsoever. Hiking the Little Sur Trail feels about as close to trespassing without trespassing as you can get.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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