Tag: Leaders

Inspirational Women Leaders Of Tech: Laura Kennedy of SmartBear On The 5 Steps Needed To Create Great Tech Products

Build and work together: Constant communication is paramount. Everyone needs to feel safe to question why we are doing certain things and be able to compromise and pivot based on advice and feedback from the team. Currently, only about 1 in 4 employees in the tech industry is a woman. So what...

Why Startup Leaders Fail: Micromanagement

It evokes the image of a grumpy, old, bespectacled and besuited bureaucrat standing over your shoulder, judging everything you do and waiting for the right moment to apply just a little more un-constructive criticism. So why do most startup leaders micromanage their teams? First reason, bec...

It Has Been Said That Leaders Eat Last, So What Exactly Is on the Menu?

Simon Sinek’s groundbreaking book, “Leaders Eat Last,” has ignited conversations in boardrooms, classrooms, and dinner tables around the world. The basic tenet is as profound as it is simple: Effective leaders put the needs of their team above their own. This leadership s...

24 Leadership Principles From The Greatest Business, Military, Political, and Sports Leaders

People think that leadership is something that just happens. One is anointed a leader. One is promoted to leadership. One is born into leadership. And of course, this is not the case. “Leadership,” Eisenhower said, “is the art of getting someone else to do something that you wan...

A Ten-Step Process for Team Leaders to Reduce Meeting Overload and Take Back Their Time

A few months ago, I started a new job as the leader of a busy team of consultants. Within days of starting, I found myself inundated with meetings, and the expectation seemed to be that I represent our team at board meetings, client meetings, external engagements, you name it. Being eager to plea...

Four tools leaders can use to uncover their deeper values

‘As a leader, you first need to define your values, and then use them to guide your decisions and behaviour.’ Sounds easy, right? While the principle is sound, I find that in practice many leaders struggle to stop, pause, and reflect in ways that reveal underlying values and source...

How leaders decompress through acknowledgement and appreciation.

Scuba divers learn not to ascend too fast without properly decompressing or they will experience a condition known as the bends. As divers go further down, the pressure on their lungs increases. They decompress by coming up to the surface slowly so their body can adjust. Otherwise, the bends can cau...

How to Develop Leaders with Competence, Confidence and Credibility

Leaders need help to develop the skills that will take them to their next level. Being a subject matter expert, high-performing team member, or doing what you’ve always done is not enough. It’s simply not good business to promote a leader and then fail to develop them. There’s m...

Now or Later. When is the Best Time for CEOs to Develop their Leaders?

This has been a hot topic lately in the conversations I am having with CEOs, and People and Culture executives. When is the best time to develop your leaders? Based on my experience, at the earliest opportunity and every day from that point on. As soon as you introduce people into your organisati...

How Your Leaders Can Bring Out the Best in All Your People

In this VUCA world, leaders must navigate the complexities of globalisation, technological advancement, social interconnectivity, massively accelerating change and a multi-generational workforce. Coaching is a powerful tool to develop the potential of people, modify behaviours and drive business ...

Why Do Leaders Need Therapy?

Introduction: In the complex and ever-evolving landscape of leadership, one question often arises: “Why do leaders need therapy?” As Brene Brown, the author of “Dare to Lead,” wisely puts it, “Leaders must either invest a reasonable amount of time attending to f...

Don’t Settle for Good Jobs… Work for Great Leaders

“A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life.” — John R. Wooden In this short article, I’ll fuse a couple of key professional objectives — that career growth and leadership growth go hand-in-hand. To be successful, you...

Start with ‘Why’: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action

Do you want to be a leader who motivates others to act? Begin with ‘why’. Start with Why, by Simon Sinek, is a must-read for anybody who wants to be more effective in business, life, and leadership. According to Sinek, the most successful people and organizations begin with &l...

Leaders: It’s Okay Not to Be Perfect

As I often say, the first step in becoming a leader is self-awareness. This means understanding your strengths, values, accomplishments, development areas AND… recognizing (and admitting) any beliefs and behaviors that may be working against you. These are what I call your internal barriers; ...

Why Successful People Don’t Always Make Effective Leaders

Not all successful people are good leaders, but leadership development programs can help develop leadership skills. Many people assume that if someone is successful, it is because they have good leadership skills. Some people assume that if a business is successful, it is because it has good...

29 challenges leaders say inclusive leadership can help solve

The funny thing is that often when I work with leaders, they discuss how inclusive leadership can remedy many of the day-to-day challenges that arise in organisations. Yet most people think inclusive leadership only impacts inclusion. However, inclusion and inclusive leadership s...

Are people born leaders? True or False!

It is often said that people are born leaders, is that true? But, What is a leader? A leader is someone who can be the change they want to see in their organisation. In the modern world, a leader isn’t necessarily the CEO of an organisation Leaders are usually characterised as peo...

What Leaders Forget About Balance

As leaders, we are always aware that we have finite resources and infinite milestones** we can set. Sometimes, milestones are dictated by the business; other times, we set them in hopes of getting ahead of the business. We know inherently that our job is to achieve a balance between finite resources...

Effective Leaders Develop Their People

Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” — Former CEO of GE, Jack Welch In my last blog, I talked about the importance of your continuing to grow and develop as a leader. Now let’s talk a...

The Truth About Our Leaders

This was the first time in years I made a phone call. It wasn’t something I typically did, but the circumstances demanded that I do it. I called up my old bank. Recalling the 5-digit passcode I set up back then, the call was to arrange a few changes to the bank account to ensure that no ...

Why Don’t Leaders Care?

There’s no shortage of “be caring” advice for leaders — and for a good reason. Surveys show that about 50% of people don’t feel valued at work, almost 30% feel “invisible,” and just 24% think their employer cares about their well-bei...

Titles Don’t Define Leaders

Five suggestions for individuals who aspire to enhance their leadership and influence abilities within the professional setting. I’ve been a radiation therapist for seven years, and in that time, I’ve found that leadership is less about having the title and more about having quali...

The Impactful Leaders Journal

Triple purpose — what does it mean to you? This week at our Impactful Leaders Network meet up we looked at Triple Purpose. We need to understand purpose at all of these levels in order for people to feel valued and fulfilled and in order for the team and organisation wide plans and deadl...

Hispanic Leaders Making a Difference

¡Celebremos el Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana! Diversity is one of the pillars of the NSLS mission, driving us to build a more inclusive future for all. As part of that mission, we invite you once again to celebrate one of the many cultures that have made the United States wh...

Leaders may not Always Win… but they Never Lose!

Leaders operate in one of three modes (…and real leaders only need two!) …but for the sake of completeness… leaders are always in one of the following three leadership modes: Winning — great leaders win… a lot. It’s what they do!...

How to Develop Leaders with Competence, Confidence and Credibility

Leaders need help to develop the skills that will take them to their next level. Being a subject matter expert, high-performing team member, or doing what you’ve always done is not enough. It’s simply not good business to promote a leader and then fail to develop them. There’s m...

“Leaders Eat Last” by Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek examines the foundational concepts of leadership in “Leaders Eat Last,” highlighting the significance of developing a supportive and trustworthy workplace culture. Sinek makes the case that outstanding leadership is based on the principle of selflessness and valuing the welfa...

Now or Later. When is the Best Time for CEOs to Develop their Leaders?

This has been a hot topic lately in the conversations I am having with CEOs, and People and Culture executives. When is the best time to develop your leaders? Based on my experience, at the earliest opportunity and every day from that point on. As soon as you introduce people into your organisati...

How do you prepare future leaders in your company?

Look, if you’re leading a company, grooming the next generation of leaders isn’t a side gig — it’s a main event. Your future leaders are your bench strength. They’re the all-stars who’ll keep the engine running when you’re off strategizing in some boardroom ...

It Has Been Said That “Leaders Eat Last”, So What Exactly Is on the Menu?

Simon Sinek’s groundbreaking book, “Leaders Eat Last,” has ignited conversations in boardrooms, classrooms, and dinner tables around the world. The basic tenet is as profound as it is simple: Effective leaders put the needs of their team above their own. This leadership s...

5 Terrible Ways Leaders Try and Fail to Build Trust

Trust is a powerful currency. For leaders, it helps cement relationships, form group bonds, and smooth operations. According to a study in Harvard Business Review, people in high trust companies report: 74% less stress, 106% more energy at work, 50% higher productivity...

5 Difficult Things All Leaders Must Learn To Do

Leadership is easy. Only joking. It’s hard. It’s bloody hard! But there are ways you can make it easier. This starts with finding a way to be comfortable in discomfort. This means overcoming a lot of natural impulses to run from or avoid difficult tasks. And this start...

Dear Leaders: Don’t try to dig for gold in a gold field

I had an enlightening discussion with my coach this week, and I wanted to publish this article before I miss any specifics from the advice. This is an excellent piece of advice, and it’s something that I wish I had known when I first started my management career. It’s true that as ...

1:1 - the essential tool for leaders

I remember the first 1:1 sessions with engineers from my team. I approached them and asked for a short private meeting. I wanted to tell them that we would see each other every week and talk about their challenges. I wanted to express my commitment to developing their skills and overall helping them...

Nurturing Tomorrow’s Leaders: Kidizens’ LEGO Fall & Winter Camp

As the seasons change and autumnal hues paint the landscape, Kidizens beckons young LEGO enthusiasts to embark on an extraordinary journey of creativity, camaraderie, and leadership in their eagerly awaited Fall & Winter LEGO camps. Building upon the triumphs of a vibrant summer season, the...

Wouldn’t US Benefit From SMART Instead Of Populist Leaders?

Unfortunately, because of the apparent apathy, laziness, and/or a desire to deny reality (in order to support one’s personal/political, agenda, and/or self-interest), many politicians have resorted to portraying themselves as populist, man-of-the-people type leaders! This nation, planet, and o...

Advancing Leaders of Color

Fourteen Fellows, representing organizations in the Enterprising Ventures of Color (EVC) cohort, are committed to an 18-month process that includes personalized executive level coaching, socially and culturally tailored technical assistance, and power-building strategies to disrupt systems of inequi...

Religious leaders strive to become peacemakers, not warmongers.

Thank you for joining me today. I hope you enjoyed the newsletter and/or podcast. The Turbulent World with James M. Dorsey depends on the support of its readers. If you believe that the column and podcast add value to your understanding and that of the broader public, please consider becoming a...

Leaving Linode’s Leaders

We’re speaking truth to power as Our last act of service to the Linode coworkers We lovingly advocated for the best We could. Small, tech companies like Linode are often beloved by their employees & community. Unfortunately the cloud infrastructure provider is equitably comp...

The Psychology of Cults and Cult Leaders: Unraveling the Complexities of Manipulation and Control

Cults and their enigmatic leaders have long captivated public imagination, as well as the attention of researchers and mental health professionals. The allure of these groups often stems from the perplexing nature of their influence over followers and their ability to manipulate and control seemingl...

Refueling for Powerful, Compassionate Leaders

Sooooo, how were your holidays? Mine were very chill, spent lots of time with family and friends. Plus, I had a little time to focus forward and while I had said there wouldn’t be an issue of Niki’s Notes on January 4th, here I am! I’m excited for 2024 and have interesting new proj...

What would it take our political leaders to implement D & I

Diversity and inclusion (D&I) are complex issues that involve acknowledging and valuing differences in race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, and other personal characteristics. An initiative restricted to the corporate sector deserves attention from political parties. While some po...

Rising Young AAPI Leaders Convene to Advance Civil Rights

This week, Asian Americans Advancing Justice — AAJC will host its signature Youth Leadership Summit (YLS). Since 2014, Advancing Justice — AAJC has convened prominent college students for its multi-day leadership development program that focuses on advocacy, communications, and civi...

Why Black Women Are Often Seen as Unworthy Leaders in Academia

Claudine Gay, the first Black president of Harvard University in 386 years, resigned Tuesday after enduring weeks of attacks on her character and academic rigor. While Gay was initially praised for breaking a glass ceiling, it's also true that the shards came down hard and fast. Simply...

On White Leaders Who Dehumanize Black People and Danielle La Porte’s New Program

If I’m being generous, I suspect that the use of this imagery was an attempt to make this program feel more accessible to people of color. I suspect that the decision to name a program “Lighter” and then pair that program with images of black naked bodies — or to piece togeth...

“Creating Leaders: through Nurturing Ecology with Humor and Dedication”

Leadership in ecology isn’t about imposing rules but rather nurturing the potential for growth, creating an environment where each team member flourishes like a unique species in a biodiverse habitat. Instead of dictating, ecological leaders lead by example, sowing the seeds of collaboration a...