Refueling for Powerful, Compassionate Leaders

<p>Sooooo, how were your holidays? Mine were very chill, spent lots of time with family and friends. Plus, I had a little time to focus forward and while I had said there wouldn&rsquo;t be an issue of Niki&rsquo;s Notes on January 4th, here I am! I&rsquo;m excited for 2024 and have interesting new projects I&rsquo;ll tell you more about as they pick up steam.</p> <p>Toward the end of every December I reflect on and journal about what I learned in the year as it&rsquo;s drawing to a close. Mostly, I think about the lessons I learned and strategize how to apply them in the new year. I&rsquo;ve titled 2023 &ldquo;The Year of Letting Go.&rdquo; There were many aspects of my life that weren&rsquo;t aligning with where I&rsquo;m going and early in the year, I realized something had to give. This meant letting go of: off-balance relationships, types of work that weren&rsquo;t rewarding, and even pieces of myself.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>