The Impactful Leaders Journal

<p>Triple purpose &mdash; what does it mean to you?</p> <p>This week at our Impactful Leaders Network meet up we looked at Triple Purpose.</p> <p>We need to understand purpose at all of these levels in order for people to feel valued and fulfilled and in order for the team and organisation wide plans and deadlines to be met effectively and consistently longer term.</p> <p>Here&rsquo;s what we meant when we discussed these terms:</p> <p>Individual purpose &mdash; does each member of staff understand themselves well enough to know what their purpose is (both linked to work and to the rest of their life?) Does each individual know how their day to day tasks directly link to the overall purpose and success of the team and the organisation?</p> <p>Team purpose &mdash; what is specific to each team dynamic, assignment and culture? What do the leaders of the company need each team to be focused on in order to deliver everything they need to? What does a team with joint purpose look like when it&rsquo;s at it&rsquo;s best?</p> <p>Company purpose &mdash; what does your company exist to do? What&rsquo;s the strategic plan for not only meeting targets but for surpassing your customer&rsquo;s expectations? How are these things explained to everyone throughout the organisation? How does everyone stay focused on the big picture at the same time as doing all the different tasks their role requires of them?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>