Tag: Embracing

Transforming UseCase: Embracing Fluent and Functional Approach

There are many people who have shared their own versions of use case implementations, each considering it either an improvement or the right way to create a use case in Android. These are excellent articles with valuable insights, and I highly recommend reading them to understand different perspe...

Discovering Design Patterns and Embracing Knowledge

On any given Wednesday, as a software developer in a in a Small Argentine Town, I woke up late. It’s not a habit, but I wanted to finish reading an e-book called “Steal Like an Artist” by Austin Kleon that I started last night; I highly recommend that you read it. It was 8:15...

Embracing the React Challenge

But that’s okay I remember back in January 2017 when React had already released its version 16, and at that time, an opportunity came my way, and it involved payment in dollars. It was like, “Wow, dollars…” A colleague offered me a freelance project that required me...

Embracing New Methods and Concepts: A Developer’s Journey to Growth

Hey there, fellow devs! Ever found yourself staring at a new coding method or concept, feeling like it’s some sort of cryptic puzzle? And in that moment, you can’t help but think, “Why not stick to the trusty old for loop? It gets the job done, right?” Overcoming th...

Embracing Chaos‎: The‎ Unexpected Strength of the Chaos Monkey Principle

A monkey, a bucket, and a crash test dummy walk into a bar. No, this isn’t the start of a peculiar joke, but rather an intriguing exploration of a principle that’s revolutionizing the world of software engineering. What could these three possibly have in common? Let’s find out. ...

Embracing Mortality Positively Through Philosophy: A Path to Enlightenment

We live in a world where many of us are privileged but full of anxiety and feeling a loss for meaning. The post-Covid-19 world enhances our lives’ perplexing and stressful nature. We sometimes live in uncertainty, with a forward view that is the same as backward because we only know the former...

Unveiling the Dreamer: Breaking Free from Fear and Embracing the Writer Within

In the depths of my being, a silent longing always resided — the yearning to write, to transcribe the whispers of my imagination onto the parchment of reality. It was my refuge from the trials of existence, a sanctuary where I could shed the confines of self and step into the myriad guises tha...

Embracing Being an Immigrant Made Me Feel Like I Belong

Every time I return to my home country for a yearly visit, I feel a little more alien, more estranged, and more disconnected than the year before. Living in another country for over a decade does that to you. It’s a sad feeling when you realize that you don’t belong there anymore, but it...

Embracing Two Worlds: Jorge Ramos Gutierrez’s Journey with his Mexican Heritage

For most children, the first day of first grade is filled with nervous anticipation and excitement. But when you’ve just moved to the United States and you don’t yet know English, it can be daunting. “The scariest part was the first day of school, because everything was bra...

Embracing the Inner Light

Self-torture and self-deception blur, Escaping reality without a trace, Avoiding illusions like fleeting dreams, Seeking tranquility and inner peace. Rumors swirl like tangled threads in the sky, Holding onto truth as a steadfast belief, Harmonious coexistence, free from turmoil, Approachin...

Embracing the Fluid Rethreading of Self: A Journey of Discovery

It’s a Sunday evening and there I am, stewing in a cocktail of stress and dread for the week ahead. My living room’s dim lights seem to be casting their shadows a bit longer and more ominous than usual, reflecting my anxiety. On a day like this, it might get so overwhelming I’m ...

Embracing Being an Immigrant Made Me Feel Like I Belong

Every time I return to my home country for a yearly visit, I feel a little more alien, more estranged, and more disconnected than the year before. Living in another country for over a decade does that to you. It’s a sad feeling when you realize that you don’t belong there anymore, but it...

Embracing the Paradox

Life has an amazing way of showing us the crushing reality, often challenging us of our core beliefs. People who fall in love without letting the societal voices intervene are lucky. People who make that love a commitment even luckier. One has to be strong willed and hopeful to succumb to the fear o...

Embracing the Paradox

Life has an amazing way of showing us the crushing reality, often challenging us of our core beliefs. People who fall in love without letting the societal voices intervene are lucky. People who make that love a commitment even luckier. One has to be strong willed and hopeful to succumb to the fear o...

Embracing the Beauty of Aging

For as long as I can remember, my mother has been “old.” When I was 9 years old, I thought she was ancient. Of course, I didn’t know then that she was only 29 years of age. I was 10 years old the day I came home from school to find my mother sobbing uncontrollably. I asked her what...

Embracing your tool’s limits vs jumping to other tools

What I wanted to achieve, why it didn’t work out? Breaking down a project into tasks is one thing. Another is arranging these tasks in a sequence so that you always know what stage you’re at. I have a cool method for that. Or so I thought. I start with the finished product. Once...

The Art of Embracing a Rut

A few months ago, I got stuck in a deep rut for several weeks. I don’t mean the type of muddy rut where you get jammed with your feet or tires. Rather, I’d been wrestling with its far more challenging cousin: The mental rut — also known as the slump or the funk. Writin...

Letting Go of Unhealthy Friendships and Embracing Personal Growth

Inhuman interactions, comfort is paramount. Healthy friendships are built on shared values, care, mutual respect, and encouragement. However, when friendships become filled with arguments and negative emotions, the relationship may no longer be healthy, and it is time to consider ending it. In matur...

Embracing Change and Being Okay with Being Alone

Hey friends! Today, I want to talk about something that might sound a bit bittersweet, but hey, its real life, right? You are cruising through life, surrounded by friends and family, feeling like the king or queen of the world. Your phone buzzes with messages from your squad, your social calendar...

Embracing Inclusion: The Art of Navigating Feedback

The value of authenticity cannot be overstated. However, this authenticity is a product of our upbringing, influenced by our parents and society. Feedback is a critical component of professional growth and development. However, its impact is primarily determined by how it is received and processe...

Embracing The Path From Constraint to Creativity

The word “catalyst” comes to us from the Greek “katalysis” meaning dissolution. Catalysts can lead to good or bad changes. A catalyst can be a seemingly small event like meeting someone who sparks change for yourself or a major event that sparks widespread change. The pand...

Embracing Heritage in a Tapestry of Change

When an organization I belonged to celebrated their sixtieth anniversary they used the tagline “Pride in our past, faith in our future”. It’s a line that has often resonated with me. Our heritage, the roots of where we come from are an important foundation to have underfoot. It&...

Embracing Failure: The Path to Growth in Game Development

Are you tired of feeling discouraged by failure in your game development journey? I’m here to tell you that failure is actually a good thing! Sharing my experiences with overcoming obstacles and learning from mistakes, and discover how failure can lead to new ideas and better solutions. Let&rs...

Why Is PlayStation Embracing Its Corporate Side More Than Its Gamer Side?

At one point in time, Sony was all about the gamers. It produced blockbuster after blockbuster for gamers to enjoy, it reached out to community in a number of ways, and it made each console launch count. But, as you might guess, it’s let the corporate side take over a little bit over the years...

Embracing Minimalism: How to Lose Weight Without Really Trying

I can clearly remember the day I threw $500 into a landfill. Nearly everything I owned followed. Actually, I gave the cash to the “JUNK” man. Instead of selling my heart to him, I handing over my $500. Technically, he wasn’t a junkman at all. He was a guy who drove a van for the...

Dubai Hosts the 5th Edition of AccessAbilities Expo, Embracing Inclusivity

Dubai, a city known for innovation and advancement, is once again making a daring move in its mission to establish itself as a global center of inclusion. The fifth edition of the AccessAbilities Expo, a ground-breaking event that highlights the UAE government’s ambition of becoming the w...

Embracing Freedom: Hypnotherapy for a Smoking-Free Life

As a hypnotherapist, helping James on his path to overcoming his smoking addiction has been a remarkable experience. Witnessing his transformation and his newfound sense of empowerment and freedom fills me with awe at the amazing power of the mind. After our first session of hypnosis to...

About Me: Embracing Life’s Journey

Hey there, I’m Edi, and I’m thrilled to have you swing by and get to know a bit about the person behind the screen. I hail from good ol’ Melbourne, Australia, and it’s safe to say that my roots run deep there. Growing up, I soaked in the simple pleasures of life, like runn...

Embracing Home Style and Comfort: Creating Havens of Tranquillity

In the fast-paced world we live in, the importance of home style and comfort has taken center stage. Our homes have become more than just physical spaces; they have become our sanctuaries — places where we seek solace, tranquility, and a reflection of our personal taste. In this blog, we&rsquo...

Embracing Age Limitations and Looking Up

As a child, I was no stranger to optimism. My imagination and curiosity were my most trusted companions and often led me to daring explorations and uncharted territories. Not undiscovered, just unknown places for me. The world in which I lived was my playground and I had an endless supply of oppo...

Unexpected Adventures: Embracing Spontaneity and Saying ‘Yes’

Leaving room for spontaneity in travel can lead to remarkable experiences. While it’s essential to have a rough idea of what you’d like to do, being open to last-minute suggestions can result in unexpected adventures. This could involve following recommendations from fellow travelers, lo...

Nurturing the Earth: Embracing Sustainable Living and Eco-Friendly Practices

In a world grappling with environmental challenges, the call for sustainable living and eco-friendly practices has never been more urgent. The echoes of our choices ripple through the delicate fabric of our planet, impacting not only our own lives but the lives of generations to come. In this compel...

Embracing Nature: A Glimpse of Wildlife on the Trail

Birds: Nature’s melodic companions The beautiful melodies of birds can often be heard along the hiking trails. From the cheerful song of a robin to the haunting call of an owl at dusk, birdlife contributes to nature’s soundtrack. Birdwatchers and casual hikers alike can catc...

Embracing Nature: A Glimpse of Wildlife on the Trail

Birds: Nature’s melodic companions The beautiful melodies of birds can often be heard along the hiking trails. From the cheerful song of a robin to the haunting call of an owl at dusk, birdlife contributes to nature’s soundtrack. Birdwatchers and casual hikers alike can catc...

Why White Math is Embracing Racism Despite the Cost to America

What is white math? Before you start imagining numbers written in white chalk on a blackboard, I’m not talking in numerical terms. I mean socially. By my estimate, white math is embracing racism despite the cost to America. Even though it would be advantageous to condemn racism, many White peo...

Embracing Clarity and Abundance: Lessons on Communicating Our Spend Down

There’s a saying in philanthropy: “If you’ve worked at one foundation, you’ve worked at one foundation.” It’s a fairly obvious observation: no two funders are alike, which also means that none of our failures are exactly alike either. For Kataly, our context is...

Embracing Change: Engaging Millennials and Gen Z in Philanthropy

In recent years, the landscape of philanthropy has experienced a significant shift. The emergence of Millennials and Generation Z has brought about a transformation in how charitable giving and engagement with causes are approached. These digitally savvy and socially conscious generations are redefi...

Embracing Monkey Mind

Often, when we attempt to focus or quiet our internal awareness, we are left unnerved by the frequency and persistence of intrusive thoughts in our mind — anyone who has tried to meditate can attest to this. Monkey mind is a way of describing this inner chatter. We know it best as the voice...

Embracing Israel’s Rich History: A Call to Support in Churches:Introduction to the weekly series of the Israel history.

Israel’s history is woven with threads of ancient civilizations, religious revelations, and modern statehood. Dating back thousands of years, Israel has been a land of great importance to various cultures and religions. It is the birthplace of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, making it a sacr...

Embracing Consistency: The Art of Repetition in Teaching

In teaching, you spend a lot of time repeating yourself. You feel like a record stuck on repeat. Every. Day. The kids don’t always listen to you. Even when they look like they are, they often daydream about something else… I used to be one of those kids. It becomes even more fr...

My Ongoing Quest for Happiness by Embracing Zen

Eckhart Tolle, author of “The Power of Now,” teaches that living in the present moment is the key to a more fulfilled existence, free from the burdens of past regrets and future anxieties. Similarly, Thich Nhat Hanh, a renowned Zen master, emphasizes mindfulness as a pathway to inner ...

Embracing My Voice: A Journey from Silence to Entrepreneurship

I have a tendency to not be able to speak coherently. I developed what I’d call a disability from a lifetime of not being able to speak my mind for fear something terrible would happen. As in, I would "make someone mad" or they wouldn’t listen. After a childhood of staying a...

Embracing Maturity: Overcoming Age Discrimination

In October 2023, I left a job that I had been at since early 2010. I loved the work, I got along well with my coworkers, my supervisor was really nice. What caused me to leave was the overwhelming stress of the company policies that were changing almost monthly. I’m a remote worker, and the...

Women Empowered at Workday: Embracing Equity in Tech

At Workday, we value inclusion, belonging, and equity. We call it VIBE™. Our goal is to continuously foster a workplace where everyone is empowered to be their best selves, where we work together toward making work days brighter for all. And that means collectively, we all must embrace eq...

Embracing the Power of Tech Communities

In the fast-paced world of technology, staying updated and connected is essential for growth and success. As an avid learner and community enthusiast, I have always sought opportunities to share my knowledge and learn from others. That is why I was incredibly grateful and humbled to be invited as a ...

Embracing Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Tableau Visionary Will Sutton's Twitter thread on MidJourneyAI image representation of people in data was shocking and unfortunate. Although I work with diverse people and viewpoints, there still appears to be a great divide in tech. This post briefly covers five primary reasons d...

Living the Single Lady Life: Embracing Fresh Lifestyle Choices

First things first, let’s tackle dating apps. You might be tempted to dive headfirst into the online dating world, and hey, there’s nothing wrong with that. But remember, it’s not just about finding someone new; it’s about rediscovering yourself. I remember the time I d...

Embracing Diversity and Inclusion: Catalysts for Positive Transformation

The integration of diversity and inclusion into our social fabric has evolved into a crucial factor for nurturing innovation, creativity, and societal harmony. In the contemporary interconnected world, recognizing and appreciating differences in race, gender, ethnicity, age, and perspectives is not ...

Embracing Diversity

1. Broadening Perspectives Exposure to diverse cultures and viewpoints broadens our understanding of the world. It challenges our preconceived notions and biases, encouraging us to think more critically and openly. This broadened perspective fosters creativity, problem-solving, and innovation. ...

Embracing Endings and New Beginnings: Understanding Personal Year 9 in Numerology

In the realm of numerology, each year is associated with a particular energy and significance, known as the Personal Year. The Personal Year offers profound insights into the themes and opportunities that will shape our experiences during that specific time. When the Personal Year is 9, it marks ...


Aries (March 21 — April 19): Elevate your ambitions, Aries. Today urges you to set bold intentions and pursue your goals with fervor. Embrace challenges as stepping stones to success. In relationships, communicate your desires openly. Trust your instincts to navigate uncertainties. Your a...

Embracing Saturn’s Lessons: A House-by-House Guide to 2024

As the ringed taskmaster of the cosmos, Saturn dictates discipline, structure, and learning through experience. With 2024 being ruled by Saturn, each zodiac house awakens to its own unique set of lessons and opportunities for growth. Here's what Saturn might have in store for you, depending on i...


Aries (March 21 — April 19): Embrace your fiery determination, Aries. Today sparks a surge of energy for ambitious pursuits. Dive into challenges with enthusiasm, showcasing your leadership skills. In relationships, express your passions openly. Trust your instincts; they guide you throug...

Incorporating technology in businesses

In today’s ever-evolving world, embracing technology has become essential for businesses to stay relevant and continue solving the cargo industry’s most pressing challenges. As technology continues to grow, businesses need to adapt to the changes that come with it and recognize the be...

Embracing the Future: Why We Need to Prepare for Self-Driving Cars

Technology is advancing at a breakneck speed, self-driving cars represent a significant leap forward in automotive innovation. Despite the potential to drastically reduce the 35,000 to 40,000 annual automobile-related fatalities in the USA, society seems hesitant to embrace this change. This relucta...

Volunteering with Unaccompanied Immigrant Children to Help them Find an Embracing Environment

Priscila Marroquin is a Young Center volunteer based in Chicago whose unwavering devotion to supporting immigrant children stems largely from her personal experiences coming to the United States as an undocumented child. When Priscila was six, she traveled from Guatemala to the U.S. with her mom and...

Embracing Adwa: A Global Symbol for Anti-Colonialism

The Battle of Adwa stands as a beacon of resistance against colonial domination. In the heart of Ethiopia, this historic event embodies the resilience and strength of a nation, representing a significant moment in the fight against colonialism. However, recent controversies attempting to undermine i...

Embracing Antiracism: Who Reflects Back in Your Mirror?

Recently, a TikTok video by Daniel Alexander (@the_shoe_fits) resonated deeply with me. In it, Alexander highlighted a troubling statement from Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, justifying the ban on an African American AP course in the state by claiming it spread a “propagan...

Embracing Sustainability: Building a Greener Future

Climate change, biodiversity loss, and resource depletion are among the critical issues threatening our planet's well-being. The urgency to address these challenges cannot be overstated. With rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and diminishing natural habitats, the need for collective a...

Cultivating Warm-hearted Dialogue in Science: Embracing Empathy and Understanding

In the vibrant landscape of science, where curiosity and discovery reign supreme, there exists a profound need for dialogue infused with warmth and empathy. Amidst the pursuit of knowledge, it’s essential to remember that behind every hypothesis, every experiment, and every theory, and idea th...

Embracing Nicolaus Copernicus in Toruń

Imagine learning for the first time that you are not as privileged as you had imagined through the belief that the Universe centers on you. This is hurtful news even for children, judging by the response of my daughters to their first day away from home. Politicians or unyielding believers would den...

Embracing Complexity: A Comprehensive Approach to Addiction and Mental Health

Every journey through addiction and mental/emotional health challenges is unique. While one person may find themselves caught in the grips of substance use following a traumatic event, another might struggle with anxiety or depression due to genetic predispositions or life pressures. Recognizing thi...

The Next 50: Embracing Life’s Second Act

As I approached my 50th year, I found myself yearning for more than just the milestones of success. I wanted to dive deeper into the essence of life, to explore and experience the world in ways I had never dared before. So, I crafted a list of 50 adventures, each representing a step into the unknown...

PAVVURULUN AFI FESTIVAL 2023: Embracing the Flames: The Significance and Celebrations of Tuguegarao City’s Pavvurulun Afi Festival

Nestled in the heart of the Philippines lies Tuguegarao City, a place where tradition, culture, and the spirit of unity converge in a spectacular display of flames and fervor known as the Pavvurulun Afi Festival. This vibrant celebration, deeply rooted in the city’s history and heritage, draws...

The Power of Generations: Embracing the Advantages of Being Part of a Close Multi-Generational Family

Being part of a close multi-generational family brings a unique tapestry of experiences and connections. I shall share with you why I believe that having a close-knit multi-generational family is advantageous for everyone involved. From the wisdom and guidance of elders to the support and grow...

Embracing Individual Beliefs

First, we created invisible and non-existing gods, then we eagerly created enemies from others who don’t share the same beliefs as us. Just to feel a sense of belonging and unity around something bigger than ourselves. Your faith must be kept between yourself and your god (or whatever you b...

Embracing Tradition: The Modern Guide to Being a Traditional Man with Values

At the heart of traditional manhood lies integrity. A traditional man is his word; he is honest, ethical, and does the right thing, even when it’s challenging or unnoticed. This commitment to truth and moral uprightness isn’t just about personal honor; it’s about building trust and...

“Embracing Tradition: The Curious Case of Spitting in Greek Culture”

In a world where spitting on someone is universally condemned as a gross insult, there exists a place where the act takes on an entirely different meaning — Greece. Surprisingly, in Greek culture, spitting isn’t a sign of disrespect; instead, it’s regarded as a potent symbol of goo...

Embracing Street Style 2024: A Trendsetter’s Guide to Fashionable Clothes Trends

Welcome to the vibrant world of street style in 2024, where fashion meets creativity. Street style evolves from fashion weeks to trendsetters worldwide. Explore 2024’s trend-setting looks with us. 1. Runway to Sidewalk: Influences and Inspirations The fusion of high fashion runways and s...

“ Embracing Inclusivity and Diversity in Fashion: A Catalyst for Positive Change”

In today’s world, the fashion industry plays a significant role in shaping societal norms and influencing cultural perceptions. In recent years, there has been a growing movement advocating for inclusivity and diversity within the fashion realm. Photo by Sasha Freemind This arti...

Embracing Elegance: Winter Fashion Trends of 2024

Introduction: As the crisp air of winter settles in, fashion enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the unveiling of the latest trends that will dominate the cold-weather season. In 2024, the fashion landscape is set to embrace a harmonious blend of timeless classics and innovative styles that ...

Spring 2024 Fashion Trends: Embracing Lightness and Nostalgia

As we eagerly anticipate the arrival of spring 2024, the fashion world buzzes with excitement, showcasing a plethora of trends that promise to captivate and inspire. The upcoming season brings forth a blend of macro and micro fashion trends, each with its own unique story to tell. In this article, w...

Teenage ever-evolving style; embracing individuality

I watched a ‘get ready with me’ content of a thirteen-year-old on Instagram and I must say I felt so envious of how expressive parents have let their teenagers be. I was so into playing dress up when I was growing up, however, my mother was so strict that I lost count of how many times I...

Embracing Sustainable Style for Earth Month

April is Earth Month! While Earth Day is April 22, there’s no reason to wait to celebrate, starting with our wardrobes. If you’ve followed me the last few years, you know I am passionate about fashion sustainability. In today’s fashion landscape, it’s not just ...

Title: Embracing Sustainable Living and Eco-Friendly Practices

In an era marked by environmental challenges and concerns about climate change, the concept of sustainable living and eco-friendly practices has gained increasing importance. From reducing carbon footprints to conserving natural resources, individuals and communities around the world are embracing e...

Unveiling the Timeless Charm; A Comprehensive Guide, to Nurturing Skincare Rituals for Embracing Aging Beautifully

In the midst of our bustling lives wouldn’t it be amazing to start each day with skin that not only reflects the wisdom gained over the years but also radiates timeless beauty? Lets embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of achieving that glow and gracefully embracing the aging process. ...

Embracing Skin Love with Ordinary Skincare: A Personal Journey

Hey there, fellow skincare enthusiasts! Today, let’s dive deep into the world of skincare, self-love, and the magic of Ordinary Skincare. Because let’s face it — our skin deserves all the love and care we can give it, and Ordinary is here to help us do just that. So grab ...