Embracing Two Worlds: Jorge Ramos Gutierrez’s Journey with his Mexican Heritage

<p>F<strong>or&nbsp;</strong>most children, the first day of first grade is filled with nervous anticipation and excitement. But when you&rsquo;ve just moved to the United States and you don&rsquo;t yet know English, it can be daunting.</p> <p>&ldquo;The scariest part was the first day of school, because everything was brand new at that point. And at school, I didn&rsquo;t have any family to show me around,&rdquo; said Jorge Ramos Gutierrez.</p> <p>Jorge, a Product Analyst on the SilverRock team, was born in the northern state of Chihuahua, Mexico. His full name, Jorge Ramos Gutierrez, reflects the Mexican tradition of carrying both parents&rsquo; last names. When he was just about to turn seven, Jorge and his family moved to Phoenix, Arizona in pursuit of a better future.</p> <p>Jorge fondly remembers the move, which was made easier by the presence of family members in Phoenix. Adapting to a new culture, language, and environment was a challenge, but Jorge and his brother quickly picked up English, making integration into their new lives a smoother process.</p> <h2><strong>Family, Tradition, and Tamales: The Heart of Jorge&rsquo;s Heritage</strong></h2> <p>Throughout his upbringing, family remained the most important aspect of his heritage and still continues to be. He emphasized the close-knit nature of his family, which includes his parents, brother, sister and now his wife. Marrying someone with a Mexican background has helped keep their traditions alive and thriving.</p> <p>&ldquo;I feel like [my wife] having a Mexican background as well really helped keep some of those traditions alive,&rdquo; he said.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/thedriveway/embracing-two-worlds-jorge-ramos-gutierrezs-journey-with-his-mexican-heritage-e6002bc1c14c"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>