Embracing Individual Beliefs

<p>First, we created invisible and non-existing gods, then we eagerly created enemies from others who don&rsquo;t share the same beliefs as us. Just to feel a sense of belonging and unity around something bigger than ourselves.</p> <p>Your faith must be kept between yourself and your god (or whatever you believe in). At least that&rsquo;s what I was taught when I was little. But for centuries, we seem to ignore this very simple and crucial rule about religion.</p> <p>Religion turns into something dangerous when it becomes collective rather than personal. It&rsquo;s no longer about practicing your faith on your own terms. It became a tool for the power-hungry individuals (politicians, dictators, etc.) to control the masses and shape the future as it benefits them. This is one of the biggest reasons for the conflicts that we are having around the world these days (and throughout history).</p> <p><a href="https://rawrandomreal.medium.com/embracing-individual-beliefs-81fd352447e6"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>