Embracing Clarity and Abundance: Lessons on Communicating Our Spend Down

<p>There&rsquo;s a saying in philanthropy: &ldquo;If you&rsquo;ve worked at one foundation, you&rsquo;ve worked at one foundation.&rdquo; It&rsquo;s a fairly obvious observation: no two funders are alike, which also means that none of our failures are exactly alike either.</p> <p>For Kataly, our context is particularly different partly because the vast majority of foundations are not spending down their resources in the near future. Ultimately, grantmaking with an end date changes the dynamics between funders and grantee partners in many ways. We are still navigating the unknown, and along the way we have made missteps from which we are learning.</p> <p><a href="https://kataly.medium.com/embracing-clarity-and-abundance-lessons-on-communicating-our-spend-down-e8357dbd2912"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Embracing