Embracing your tool’s limits vs jumping to other tools

<h1>What I wanted to achieve, why it didn&rsquo;t work out?</h1> <p>Breaking down a project into tasks is one thing. Another is arranging these tasks in a sequence so that you always know what stage you&rsquo;re at.</p> <p>I have a cool method for that. Or so I thought.</p> <p>I start with the finished product. Once that ideal (perfect Snake, hehe) is on paper, I ask the question:&nbsp;<strong>what does the prototype/MVP of my game need to have?</strong>&nbsp;How do I know what that should be? I categorize all the possible features of the final game using the MoSCoW method, and for the prototype/MVP, I only select items from the &ldquo;Must Have&rdquo; column, leaving the rest for later (to be honest? It&rsquo;s Snake, there is no &ldquo;rest&rdquo;).</p> <p>Just as a pearl begins with a grain of sand coated in layers of pearly substance, I too pick a grain of sand (the timer) and look for the next step and the next step.&nbsp;<strong>Each task becomes the predecessor to its next task.</strong>&nbsp;When I finish a task, I move to its parent, making sure there are no unfinished sub-tasks (tasks that need to be completed before working on the parent) and if there are none, I continue working on that.</p> <p>Simple, organized, and broken down into elemental factors. I know what&rsquo;s done and I know what needs to be done now. If a task seems too complicated, I break it down into smaller tasks.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@MauriceKlimek/embracing-your-tools-limits-vs-jumping-to-other-tools-b17ae5320ee8"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>