Embracing Saturn’s Lessons: A House-by-House Guide to 2024

<p>As the ringed taskmaster of the cosmos, Saturn dictates discipline, structure, and learning through experience. With 2024 being ruled by Saturn, each zodiac house awakens to its own unique set of lessons and opportunities for growth. Here&#39;s what Saturn might have in store for you, depending on its placement in your natal chart.</p> <p><strong>1st House (The Self):</strong><br /> For those with Saturn in the 1st house, 2024 is a year of self-discovery and assertiveness. It&rsquo;s a time to define personal boundaries and take responsibility for self-image and presence in the world.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@thesaturnscribe/embracing-saturns-lessons-a-house-by-house-guide-to-2024-dd43d3d8458f"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>