Tag: Berlin

The Street Art That Is Helping Berlin To Heal

When I learned that Globetrotters Monthly Challenge theme this August would be Street Art, my mind instantly travelled there: Berlin. Berlin! I have been there twice, and the first time I was there I noticed one specific thing about the capital of Germany: It feels guilt, a lot of guilt...

Will Athens Become the New Berlin?

Clearly Athens has been going through it as of late. The 2009 financial crisis and the subsequent underthought austerity measures put in place by the IMF crippled the country’s economy, and hit its capital hard. Due to this, things got cheaper for foreigners, and huge amoun...

Why Berlin

This article explores why I’ve chosen to move to Berlin, based on my experience since the outbreak of Covid. Nothing fixed yet, everything in flux, which is why I am incredibly excited about this new journey. As I write this, all I have is a short-term housing contract in Charlottenburg, Be...

Having a baby in Berlin

Americans love praising Scandinavian countries' utopian family policies. The NY Times recently touted Finland for giving all new parents the same leave, following Sweden’s example. Bringing up Bebe, which explores the differences between American and French child rearin...

Case Study —Promoting Sustainable Mobility in Berlin

Berlin is the dynamic and multicultural capital of Germany. Where especially commuting in a sustainable & efficient way is a priority for its left-green dominated politics. Therefore helping to reduce the carbon footprint and increase the environmental friendly consciousness of the ...

Was The 2022 Berlin Marathon Really Amazing?

First, it’s not easy to get a place for the Berlin Marathon. The lottery registrations are open right now for next year, closing in early November, at which point they will perform a draw. You have about a 16% chance of getting a place which is better than London where your chances a...

The Best of Berlin

Berlin is known for its history, landmarks, food scene… and techno. The techno scene here is seriously insane (in the best way imaginable). After a year and a half of living in this city, I have barely skimmed the surface of the techno scene, yet I can’t wait to dive in further. A...

The Berlin Wall: A Symbol of Communism’s Division and Failure

The Berlin Wall was a physical and philosophical obstacle that disconnected East Berlin and West Berlin for a seriously lengthy timespan from 13 August 1961 to 9 November 1989. Worked by the East German government, the wall held inhabitants back from crossing transparently starting with one sid...

The Wall — Berlin Film Series

My first impression of a city culminates from treating the environment like an outdoor space and not the inside of a building. Action and surrounding people dissolve into thin air so that each day can sustain its purpose to refresh the atmosphere and unlock the aperture of a new scene into view. ...

Delivery Hero Berlin: Interview Experience

I would like to share my interview experience with Delivery Hero for the Berlin location. I was looking for a job opportunity in Europe due to personal reasons. I started applying for jobs on Linkedin. I sent my profile to some recruiters but most of the time my profile got rejected. Parallelly I wa...

The Best 10 Things To See in Berlin

Berlin, the capital city of Germany, is a vibrant metropolis with a rich and diverse history. From iconic landmarks to cultural treasures, there are countless attractions in Berlin that offer a glimpse into the city’s past and present. Whether you are a history buff, an art enthusiast, or s...

The Rave Guide—Berlin Club Etiquette

I’ve spent a significant amount of my lifetime on the dance floor, because that’s simply one of the things in life that gives me the most joy. I was lucky enough to get introduced to the Berlin nightlife, festivals and Burns by great friends and experienced ravers, but often enough I mee...

How to get an Ausländerbehörde Appointment in Berlin

Why make an appointment? Make an appointment to save yourself the stress of sorting things out last minute. To avoid queuing for several hours before the Ausländerbehörde opens, go online to book a Termin (appointment) or call the Bürgertelefon at 115 and flex your G...

Berlin Dreams: A Transformative Youth Trip to the Heart of Europe

Attending the Dreaming Europe Student Congress in 2006 was an eye-opening experience for the 20-year-old me. This trip left a lasting mark on my journey of self-discovery and wanderlust. The visit to the hall of the European Parliament in Berlin fueled my passion for international affairs and dip...

Berlin Marathon Data: 1974–2023

The current marathon records for both men and women are held in Berlin! To celebrate, here is a compilation of the Berlin Marathon results among runners from 1974 to 2023. This dataset include data gathered for the years 1974–2019 and compiled by Kaggle as well as results f...

What It’s Like To Live In Berlin?

Living in Berlin for two years has been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride of emotions and experiences. The city, with its dichotomous nature, has a way of making you either fall deeply in love with it or develop a passionate disdain. Personally, I’ve found myself oscillating between t...

Learn To Code For Free In Berlin

If you have made up your mind to code, Bravo! 90% of your job is done here. The hardest part about coding is the first step. What nobody tells you is the expensive coding schools will not teach you how to code but communities can. Communities can teach, inspire, and motivate you to continue to co...

How C. Isherwood’s State of Mind Changes in Goodbye to Berlin

Christopher Isherwood’s Goodbye to Berlin is a collection of some connected short stories about how Isherwood, once an outsider English teacher living in Berlin, became involved in several people who were threaten by the rise of the Nazis. His friendship began in some simple and subtle way, ye...

What Happens in Berlin, Stays in Berlin

The happiest hour (two hours) is from 5–7 pm. After dinner, I returned to the bar every evening. Either solo or with my new friends Gabriel or Ria or Michèle. Started with cocktails as you do, mojito, Aperol spritz, gin basil squash. All new taste sensations for me. Sign in the l...

Buying a House in Berlin, Germany: An Expat Experience

I always wanted to live in a house. The whole of Berlin seems to live in rented places, mostly apartments because houses are only prevalent in rural areas. We also rented an apartment when we first came here, but the rental prices made me cringe every time the payment went off our account. Also, the...

5 Berlin companies offering Visa sponsorship right now

Berlin is known as one of the startup capitals of the world. With many new and amazing companies popping up all of the time it is an amazing place to be and truly discover yourself. From the techno scene to the Beer there are so many amazing things to discover about berlin. Germany has one of the...

Where is the proletariat in Babylon Berlin?

I just rewatched the Season 4 of Babylon Berlin. Dramatically it’s one of the best seasons yet, because one of the most basic tensions in the narrative arc is resolved; and some of the good guys (and girls) escape their doom … for now. But I was left asking: where, in this ...

Hello And Goodbye To Berlin

She also wants booking information — sorry, Pamela, you’re on your own there! This has to be the time, back in 2019, when our son David went to a games event in Berlin and took me along for the ride. He went off to his sessions and I was free to wander round the city and see everythin...

The Jews who survived the Holocaust . . . in Berlin

When we consider the fate of the Jews in Europe during the Nazi years, our thoughts tend to drift toward stereotypical images. The gas chambers at Auschwitz and other death camps. And doomed Anne Frank cooped up in hiding for two years until she was betrayed. Both images are accurate, as they reflec...


In October 1968, I was 12 years old. One day, my mother announced that I was going to Berlin to spend the new year. I was surprised because in my low-income family, travelling was not even considered, especially to a foreign country. It happened that our city had selected “poor” kids per...

Budget Berlin Vegan: 10 Places to Eat Vegan in Berlin for Less Than €10

There are signs for vegan food wherever you look and it would be a year’s work to try all the options available. As with any food scene that goes trenderiffic (curry wurst, I’m looking at you), bad apples are popping up everywhere, threatening to spoil the bunch. We made it our missio...

How I survived Berlin Pride, sober.

Allow me to take you back to the year 2008. As an 19 year old student, I moved to the vibrant city of Groningen, a city up north of the Netherlands. At the time I spend a year traversing South America, in particular Argentina. Travelling alone in a pre-wifi age I learned to connect to myself, and fi...

7 tips for relocating to Berlin

Ever since studying international relations and business administration, I have dreamed of living and working abroad. I started my career in my hometown of São Paulo, working in a large corporation as a People Partner. My five years there brought me valuable learning experiences— I gain...

Berlin Business Map (2023): A guide to top employers in Berlin

As the capital of Germany, Berlin has around 3.7 million population. People from over 170 nations choose to come and live in this energetic city. In 2022, Berlin has the second-highest annual growth rate of GDP (4.9%) across Germany. Impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and Ukrainian refugee flows, by ...

I Love Berlin

November 9, 2014, marked the 25th anniversary of one of the happiest events in recent history: The fall of the Berlin Wall. HISTORIC ARTIFACT: An East German Trabant parked near the remnants of the Berlin Wall advertises “Trabi Safaris.” Photos by Ellen Girardeau Kempler...

GDG Cloud Berlin – August Meetup by Google Developer Groups GDG Cloud Berlin

Aykut will be outlining the process and technology behind Jooli’s innovative mobile shopping experience. Utilizing Google Cloud Platform (GCP), he’ll detail how they developed a cross-platform mobile app using Flutter, which communicates with a Node backend running on Kubernetes. He&rsqu...

The Berlin-Beijing Balance: Past Its Use-By Date

The complex interplay between Berlin and Beijing, marked by economic coquetry and security risks, has long been a subject of global scrutiny. As the world grapples with the challenges posed by China’s assertive actions, vulnerabilities in 5G technology, and the need to diversify supply chains,...

Berlin Nightwalker

How might we organise the variety of people navigating the streets to provide a more efficient and cleaner city?” It is our first week of the UX/UI bootcamp. We’ve been put into groups of five and got one week to think of a way to takle this problem. Since this is our first week, we h...

Finding Your Own Flat in Berlin as a Freelancer

It’s normal if you haven’t found a flat. It’s normal if you have to hop around to 3 or 4 before landing a long-term contract. Of course this is nuts! Where else in the world is it like this? (really, I would love to know in the comments below!) Before we dig in: I made this nift...

What It’s Like to Volunteer at a Refugee Shelter in Berlin

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to volunteer at a refugee shelter in Berlin? What It’s Like to Volunteer at a Refugee Shelter in Berlin I’ve been volunteering with the Berliner Stadtmission for the better part of a year now and work a shift at their shelter in...

Your ticket to Berlin as a Software Engineer — Part 1

Germany is the 4th largest economy in the world as of this writing. Berlin is the capital of Germany. After the Brexit, Berlin became the biggest tech center in Europe. 1000s of new opportunities are created daily for tech-related jobs here in Berlin. From Meta and Amazon, there are a lot ...

Trip to Berlin

The trip from Poznan to Berlin cost me 189.44 PLN, and I was also going there with my friend, who saved my ass there many times. The only place that I wanted to visit was the simple Bitcoin ATM because that was the most universal thing for me to visit, and I thought that I would be spending the rest...

Communism’s Legacy in Berlin — Just Don’t Use the “C” Word

It was a sunny day in August, 1952 when Stephen Wechsler swam across the Danube river near Linz, Austria toward the Soviet side — unlike most others who swam towards the West in order to defect. He had no shoes, his shirt was torn, and there was nobody on the other side of the Iron Curtain to ...

Me, Myself and Berlin

I arrived here in the midst of a traumatic and healing journey, completely unaware of what would happen next. Winters were harsh. I wasn’t sure if I would give up or if Berlin would give up on me. Everything appeared alien, new, and strange. Every day, I explored the city with a childlike c...

Catching Berlin Vibes With Words

The spectrum only has two ends. No in between. People hate or love Berlin. The city hosts the most colorful contradictions: Snobby districts, fucked up districts. Start-up career character or totally lost. Techno drug scene, sober yoga class society. Grey in grey or wild nature. Go home with underst...

The Street Art That Is Helping Berlin To Heal

When I learned that Globetrotters Monthly Challenge theme this August would be Street Art, my mind instantly travelled there: Berlin. Berlin! I have been there twice, and the first time I was there I noticed one specific thing about the capital of Germany: It feels guilt, a lot of guilt...

Three Women Walk into a Berlin Ball

Berlin in the late 1920s was a surreal place. For the Weimar Republic’s greatest artists and bohemian visionaries, the city offered safe harbor and a space in which to experiment freely. At the same time, Berlin symbolized all the stuff that hedonistic dreams are made of, or depending on how y...

Things to do in Berlin along with or after the conference

Hey there! So you’re heading to Berlin for SDGC23 in October — how exciting! Once the conference is over, there are so many fun things to do in this awesome city, but before we get there, here is a short something about the city itself: Founded centuries ago, Berlin has witnessed the ...

Making Berlin home: How the ‘most- integrated’ immigrants keep their Asian culture alive

BERLIN — Red paper lanterns and blinking neon signs adorn the halls of Berlin’s Dong Xuan Center, a sprawling Vietnamese shopping market in eastern Berlin’s Lichtenberg neighborhood. Small children run past, shouting in a mix of German and Vietnamese. A hairstylist belts along...

Welcome to Berlin! How we try to make relocating as easy as possible for our new hires

Our company culture has been very international from day one. Over half of our employees relocated to Berlin from all parts of the world to join Wooga. Moving countries or even continents can be a huge undertaking and we want to ensure the smoothest relocation process for everyone involved and, mayb...

My Summer Internship in Berlin

I just spent 3 months in Ableton AG — music software maker based in Berlin. These are some of my experiences and notes from what I've learned by working at company this passionate. You can my photos from Berlin on Exposure https://michaeldolejs.exposure.co/my-internship-in-berlin Ch...

An Irishman in Berlin

Say one day a lad decides to move to Berlin… Why Berlin? There could be plenty of reasons. Say, to begin with, the lad wants to escape. He’s young, he’s fed up with the life he has to live, things he has to do… nasty things perhaps. Then, naturally, a question of ‘whe...

The struggles of finding therapy in Berlin

This week I grouped up with one colleague and we had the chance to team up with our colleagues from the Data Analysis cohort. After seeing the work they have been doing for the past weeks we could choose one of the topics to inspire our next project. A group analyzed the data on the effects of de...

Coding and Dancing in Berlin Is Super Cool Fun for a Black Woman

My daughter May(5) and I have a great time in Berlin. Never regretted moving here at the age of 16. Great opportunities and such diversity of people that are black or not black isn’t an issue so much. The coding world here is full of paradise birds and gay people. Gay as in happy, funny, au...

The Case of the Berlin Public Transport

Berlin has one of the most awesome public transportation systems in the world, I kid you not. Coming from a city with a disastrous transportation options, my opinion might seem exaggerated. But having been in cities like Stockholm, Copenhagen and Singapore, I still think the BVG or Berliner Verkehrs...

Zurich to Berlin: Leaving the Golden Cage behind

It’s 6:54am on a Wednesday morning in April 2020. Since moving into my new flatshare, I love spending evenings on our shared rooftop terrace. Usually, I would have a glass of red wine, take a book with me and watch the sunset behind the hills surrounding the city. On a good day, the horizon wo...

5 things you should know about “Be Berlin” Campaign

A few months ago, for the needs of our graduate course on Smart Cities, our Professor Betty Tsakarestou challenged us to explore the globe and find out what makes a city sustainable, smart or simply better for its habitants to live in. Our team (Christina Charalampidou, Marieta Christopoulou&nb...

An American in Berlin

As we settled into our benches at eastern Berlin’s Prater Biergarten, two food stand huts sent bratwursts and drinks flying out as a line of customers grew. We huddled under red and white umbrellas at long, wooden tables as random drizzles of rain fell before the sun miraculously started gleam...

Top 10 Web Development Companies in Berlin

IIH Global, a prominent web development company based in Berlin, stands as a leading provider of top-notch web development services. The company distinguishes itself through its dedicated team of professional web developers in Berlin, who bring a wealth of expertise and experience to every project. ...

Summer Set Ablaze in Climate-Conscious Berlin

KREUZBERG, Berlin — At the Berlinische Galerie on Alte Jakobstraße, I rounded the corner to an exhibition room and was taken aback by a large, ape-like creature sprawled across the concrete floor in an installation that I can only term narrative art. The ape was coated in black, ...

From Berlin with Love: A New Hope

There is hope! Light at the end of the tunnel! Land in sight! Rumor has it the clubs can reopen on the 4th of March and when I saw this news, at first, it kicked me in the face and I passed out (figuratively, of course). Can it be? I remembered the lines to the bathroom and I shivered w...

The Berlin Airlift at Tempelhof: an exhibition, a disappointment, a reminder

BERLIN — It’s not the first time I have bicycled to the former Tempelhof Airport, now a vast public park at “Platz der Luftbrücke,” literally Air Bridge Square. But this time I have not come here, to the top of a hill in the Kreuzberg neighborhood, to barbecue,...

Lviv vs. Berlin: charming villas of Impressionist painters

Have you ever seen a painter’s studio? Usually, we watch art in museums, isolated from where the artist created it. Today, I’ll tell you about two Impressionists who lived on the edge of the 19–20th centuries 900 km away from each other — in Lviv, Ukraine, and Berlin, Germany...

Your ticket to Berlin as a Software Engineer — Part 2

Tech interviews in Berlin usually consist of 3–4 rounds of interviews including the first “chat” with the recruiter. Mind that, “chat” with the recruiter is actually an interview. The first round of interviews The initial chat with the prospective employer’s...

East Berlin: before and after the wall

The recent examination of the cold war era through the depiction of early 1960s Berlin in the 2015 film Bridge of Spies and the drama series Deutschland 83, reminded me of a visit I made to the city in 1986 and again in 2008. On both occasions I took a photograph from the same vantage...

Babylon Berlin: Where are the Nazis?

Babylon Berlin is a rare thing. The German series, co-produced by Sky and the German public broadcaster ARD, is set in the mesmerizing Berlin of the late 1920s. Just like the Netflix produced The Crown, the period piece ate up a gigantic budget to immerse viewers in the spectacle of the Ge...

Reflections on Berlin

Berlin, the culminating city of our trip, was an amazing way to wrap up our course and travels. I felt that each city we visited and the lessons we got in each region built up to the moment where we arrived in Berlin to learn more about social sustainability in Germany. My favorite parts of this cit...

Berlin Buzzwords 2023 — Highlights and Key Takeaways from Day 2

Berlin Buzzwords is Europe’s leading conference about search technologies, modern data infrastructure, and ML. This article continues upon the post from Day 1 and highlights key takeaways from the second (and also last) conference day. Summary of selected talks At any time, the...

Must-Visit Stores for Photographers in Berlin

Where to Find the Best Photography Equipment in the City Berlin is a city that is filled with a rich history and a vibrant arts and culture scene. For photographers, it is a place that offers countless opportunities to capture stunning images. Whether you’re a professional photographer o...

The Benefits of Getting a Photoshoot in Berlin During Your Vacation

How Capturing Your Memories Can Enhance Your Experience in the City Berlin is a city that boasts a rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning architecture. It is no wonder that millions of tourists flock to the city every year to experience its unique charm. Get an email whenever Emiliano Vit...

the kindness of strangers, and other Berlin stories

Unbeknownst to me, the day I planned to travel from Paris to Berlin, there were huge rail strikes throughout Germany. Many trains were canceled, and the man in the information center at the Cologne station gave me an incredulous look when I said I was trying to get to Berlin; but he was an enormous ...

Celebrating: Bárbara Fonseca, Designer in Berlin.

What do you prefer to do when it comes to design? My work’s main focus is illustration and I’d say that’s my preference. The fact that I studied Communication Design, plus working as a graphic designer, influences my illustration work with a need for clarity and strong graphics. I...