Your ticket to Berlin as a Software Engineer — Part 1

<p>Germany is the&nbsp;<strong><em>4th largest economy in the world</em></strong>&nbsp;as of this writing. Berlin is the capital of Germany. After the Brexit, Berlin became the biggest tech center in Europe. 1000s of new opportunities are created daily for tech-related jobs here in Berlin. From Meta and Amazon, there are a lot of tech companies out there here.</p> <p>Software engineering in Germany is mostly driven by new technologies and practices. Generally, companies don&rsquo;t have many QA engineers, so the quality of the output solely lies on the engineer who builds it. As per my understanding, the most popular programming languages are Java, JavaScript, and Go, and knowing Kotlin, Scala, or typescript on top of these might help.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Ticket Berlin